Page 26 of Trigger's Forever

“When do you go?” I ask quietly.

Winnie’s infectious smile has my own involuntarily pulling at my lips. “I go every Friday. I love it. You should come next week!”

“You know what? I will. I’ll sign up today.”

Ghost’s phone rings and he frantically jumps out of his chair, heading for the door.

“Woah,” Winnie breathes. “I hope everything’s okay.”

I shrug indifferently. “You never know with those guys.”

Cadence appears through the door leading to the back and smiles at me. “Good morning, Heather.”

“Morning,” I reply and return her smile. After waving to Winnie, I follow Cadence as we make our way down the hall.

Cadence does all of the previsit things before leaving me in the room to wait for Dr. Murphy.

I thank every God in heaven above that she doesn’t give me a drape this time.

After a few minutes, Dr. Murphy strolls into the room in her bright scrubs, looking as perfect as she did last time. She smiles brightly as she looks over my chart.

“Your blood pressure is beautiful today!” she says excitedly. “How have you been feeling?”

“I’m okay,” I confess.

“Just okay?” she responds with a frown.

“I’m getting there. I saw Sophia this morning.”

Dr. Murphy grabs my hands in hers. “Perfect! I’m so happy to hear that.”

“It went really well.”

“That could explain your good blood pressure. I also have the results from all your lab work from last visit. Everything is perfect.”

I let out a relieved breath. “Oh that’s good.”

Dr. Murphy has me lay back and she finds both babies' heartbeats on her handheld doppler. The sound brings me such contentment, and I find myself feeling lighter by the minute throughout the appointment.

After our visit, I make my way back to the front to schedule my follow up with Emily.

“I’d like to also schedule a yoga class if I can.”

“Of course!” Emily grins.

After scheduling the class for Friday and my follow up in four weeks, Emily writes out reminder cards.

I turn around and am startled when I don’t see Ghost waiting for me.

“Oh! Your friend said an emergency came up. Winnie is going to take you back home. Her appointment should be done soon.”

“Oh,” is all I can manage to say.

I sit back down in the waiting area and pull my phone out of my bag. I put it on silent before my therapy appointment so I wasn’t interrupted, and now seven text messages wait for me.

The last two are from Ghost.

Emergency. Winnie’s taking you home.