Page 25 of Trigger's Forever

“A month ago, I was kidnapped and assaulted,” I whisper.

Sophia’s eyes don’t falter for even a second. She watches me warmly as she waits for me to work through the turmoil in my head.

“That’s why I’m here. Dr. Murphy recommended you to me.”

Sohpia nods slowly. “I see. And where did you just go in your head, Heather?”


She smiles. “When you were starting to panic, you closed your eyes and you slowed your breathing. A faint smile touched your lips. Where did you go?”

I blush. “Dr. Murphy taught me a relaxation technique. I use it when I feel anxious.”

“Can you tell me what it is?”

“To think of the last time I felt safe.”

“When was that?”

I take a deep breath, looking up towards the gridded ceiling. “The last time I was in Jamie’s arms.”

“And who is Jamie?” Sophia urges.

“He’s the babies’ father.”

“Is he your husband?”

I shake my head, smiling softly. “No. We weren’t really even in a relationship when we got pregnant.”


“We were just kind of… um…”

“Ah, I see,” Sophia says knowingly as she chuckles to herself. “Forgive my crudeness, Heather, but I believe the kids nowadays are calling it fuck-buddies. Is that correct?”

I can’t help the cackle that escapes my lips at the polished woman in front of me. Sophia joins me in laughter as I dry the tears that have leaked from my eyelids.

I can tell that making an appointment with her today was a good decision. I already feel lighter and we’ve barely gotten started.

During the next hour, we don’t talk about anything heavy. Sophia tells me all about her and her husband Steve, who is a physical therapist at the hospital, and their daughter, who is in school to become a dentist. In return, I tell her all about my friends and family.

She makes notes on her notepad when I talk about my parents and makes a small comment that we will be revisiting the subject of them later.

When I finally walk out of her office, I feel ten times lighter than I did walking in. I immediately make an appointment for two weeks later.

I walk down the stairs with the faintest bounce in my step and find Ghost waiting for me. I give him a small smile, and together we walk to Dr. Murphy’s office down the hall for my next appointment.

After checking in, we take the same seats in the waiting room that we had last time. We’re a little early for this appointment, so we use the time to look at the different magazines on display this week.

Ghost is making an inappropriate joke about another yoga position when a petite yet curvy brown-haired woman comes through the door.

“Winnie?” Ghost says, waving over to the woman.

“Hi!” she squeaks. She hurries over to the check in counter before coming to sit next to us. She smiles at me. “I didn’t realize you had an appointment today too.”

I nod, reaching forward to the flier on the table that caught my attention.

“Oh my gosh! Her pregnancy yoga is the best!” Winnie beams. “I have had the worst back pain and I’m only fifteen weeks!”