Page 27 of Trigger's Forever

Sorry, doll.

The next few from Trigger.

I hope your appointments go well today.

Let me know how they go.

I’ll have lunch waiting when you get home.

Drink lots of water. It’s hot out.

I miss you.

Over the last few days Trigger has sent me a few messages along those lines. Sometimes he tells me he misses me, or that he wishes he was with me. Things to that effect.

My phone buzzes in my hand before I can slide it back in my bag.

Trigger’s name pops up again.

There was an accident, babe. Don’t know too much info right now. Ghost says Winnie’s at the office with you. Go get something to eat and then have her take you to the hospital. I’ll take you home from there.

An accident?

Who was in an accident?

I war with myself but my anxiety wins and I text him back one word.


My phone buzzes in my hand automatically as if he was awaiting my text.


Worry settles low in my belly as I wonder what could have happened. I fear the worst as I sit in the empty waiting room, worrying my lip between my teeth.

Winnie bounces out a minute later and stops at the desk briefly before coming to stand in front of me. “Is everything okay? I just got a text from Flame asking if I could take you to lunch with me and then bring you to the hospital.”

“I’m not sure,” I admit on a whisper.

Winnie’s face falls in a frown as she pushes her purse up on her shoulder. She reaches out for my hand. “Let’s go to the cafe down the street and then I’ll take you to see what’s going on.”

I nod, taking her hand and following her to the parking garage.

Fifteen minutes later, we’re sitting on the cafe terrace, sipping on cold iced tea.

“How far along are you? We can’t be that far apart,” Winnie asks, breaking a piece of baguette in half.

“Based on the ultrasound, I’m about ten weeks and four days,” I respond with a smile, remembering the little beans on the ultrasound.

Winnie smiles. “I am fifteen weeks and four days!”

I stifle a laugh at her excitement.

“Have you started shopping yet?” I ask, breaking off my own piece of bread.

Winnie’s face falls, and I curse myself for asking the wrong question. “No. Since Pete took off, I’ve just been trying to get my finances back in order. I didn’t realize how screwy he let everything get.”

“Shit, Winnie. He took off?”