“Can’t healers help?”

“Oh, no. It bounces right off. My sister was the only one who could get through my skin, and we had to do a lot of gene therapy for that.” She snorted.


“So she could phase through me if absolutely necessary. That was the original explanation. I am pretty sure that it was a stopgap measure in case my power drove me insane. Turns out, I wasn’t the craziest sister.”

Kyda chuckled. “I am pretty sure that, in this group, you are neck and neck.”

Laksi laughed. “I know. I feel so comfortable here. So, do you think that the stronghold is going to try and get a lock on our other sisters?”

“Oh, yeah. We all have power, a lot of power. They want to keep it in the mix.”

“It doesn’t hurt that we are all in the omega category.”

Kyda paused. “We are?”

“Yeah. You haven’t ever had a heat?”

“No. I worked around coffee, and there was a lot of hissing and steam. No one commented, and I didn’t really pay attention to it.”

Laksi laughed. “Coffee? Yeah, that would do it. Since your activation has kept you in kind of a static situation, it is likely that it hasn’t ever kicked in because you couldn’t act on it.”

“How old are you, Laksi?”

“Twenty-five. My guess is that I was the last embryo sent off before you were started.”


“Yeah, the Uraddans exposed each one of the eggs to a different represented city. Ones with strong active traits.”

“We were already Sethir...”

“So, they started us from all around the world, and yet, we all still are obviously Aluhara’s children.” Laksi grinned. “How was it growing up with a brother?”

“He’s great. Helpful, attentive, and always willing to break some heads.” She chuckled. “He was also willing to let me try to keep a life of my own.”

“How long do you think the Sethir will keep you down here?”

“I think Ados might have to grovel for kidnapping the crown prince. Or until their scientists take me apart.”

Laksi chuckled. “That isn’t going to happen. Don’t worry about it.”

“How can you be so sure?”

Laksi laughed. “I am a cocky bugger. So, when can we start swapping wardrobes? I have some stuff in mine that would look adorable on you.”

Kyda laughed. “I didn’t notice it at first, but you are a good five inches taller than I am.”

“So? I saw you using a manufacturing skill. Taking things in is no problem.”

“I thought you had been in a tank?”

“Yeah, well, I can still shop.” Laksi laughed.

Kyda smiled. “You are fun.”

“I have dealt with a lot of stuff since I gained my activity. People all need the chance to rise or fall under their own control that we can give them.”