She laughed softly and heard footfalls in the hall.

She couldn’t see through the grating in the door, but Laksi said, “Hello, Riithan. Is that a black eye you are sporting?”

Prince Riithan growled. “You are chipper for someone so helpless.”

“I am feeble, not helpless. I can fix the first with time.” Laksi chuckled.

The door to the cell opened, and Riithan stood in the doorway. “Miss Kyda, please, come with me. Ados has apologized to my family.”

“Hoo-fucking-ray.” Kyda sat on the bench and glared at him.

“I am sorry you were locked up, but they were worried.”

“Congratulations on having guys twice my size and weight afraid of little ol’ me.” Kyda swung her feet.

He sighed. “It was to keep you here in case your companions decided to liberate you.”

“Well, yay for them.” She waited.

“I am here to ask you to join us for dinner and your remaining sibling as well.”

Kyda looked at him. “That’s nice.”

His tail waved. “Well?”

“Well, what?”

“Come on.”

“Well, you didn’t ask.”

Laksi snorted a laugh. “Kyda, come on out.”

Kyda got up and walked toward Riithan. He stepped back, and Laksi muttered, “Watch where you are pointing that thing.”

He sighed and eased back before Kyda left the cell. “This is quite the shit show of the day.”

“You are telling me. We were having such a nice time until you stabbed me.”

He sighed. “I am sorry about that.”

Kyda reached back and took Laksi’s hand. They walked back up to the throne room, and Ados was standing there while Aluhara and Hedoreth were next to him.

Riithan went to Ylara’s side, and Kyda walked up to Ados and just put her head against his chest. His arms came around her, and she sighed. “You just had to punch him and teleport.”

He stroked her back. “Sorry. The guards were getting ready to snag you because you took his power. I distracted them.”

“I didn’t take it; he gave it to me.” She chuckled. “This dress is going to be trashed.”

“I want to keep it,” he rumbled in her ear.

“That’s a little odd.”

“Oh, I am very odd.” His hand rubbed her spine.

“You seemed so normal as a patron.”

“I was on my best behaviour.” He stroked her back again. “You were so sweet; I didn’t want to scare you.”