Angry eyes opened. “Really, Ylara?”

“What? It does most of the heavy lifting for your backside. She just told you she was the blood witch. Why would you stab her?”

He sat up, and she supported him. “Instinct.”

Ylara muttered, “Is your butt cold?”

He grunted. “Shut up.”

She laughed. “You are going to be yourself again as soon as Kyda figures it out.”

Kyda looked up at the gleaming blue stinger that was swaying over her. “So, not permanent?”

Kyda’s toddler niece walked up to her. “Think of what your butt used to look like and how the cut on your arm is healed.”

Kyda focused on those two images, and her spine felt lighter, and then there was a draft. She opened her eyes, and Riithan was back to normal. “Oh, there you go.”

She grabbed her dress in the back, and her manufacturing talent began to fix the rip. The dress was fixed in two minutes.

Riithan cleared his throat. “I apologize for that. It was very disconcerting.”

She looked at him and dropped the hem of her dress. “I am sure that you were a little messed up. I had five feet of tail sprouting out of my spine. And the spike felt really stabby.”

The little girl held her hand. “You will get the hang of it, Auntie Kyda. You just have to get your blood on their skin, and you can use their activation.”

Kyda smiled, turned to walk away from Riithan, and was face to collarbone with Ados. He looked at the fading mark on her arm and at Riithan. Thunderclouds and lighting took the place of his body. He lunged, and the two alphas disappeared.

Kyda exhaled. “Oh, boy.”

Chapter Seven

Aluhara’s daughters had scattered, and Syrn had agreed to leave Laksiana in place. Kyda was in high-security custody in the depths of the stronghold. Laksiana was sitting outside her door.

“So, Kyda, this is unexpected.”

Kyda sighed and pressed her hands to her forehead. “Yeah, but now that we are all here, it’s nice that my head isn’t splitting. So, that’s nice.”

“So, why did they put you down here?”

Kyda chuckled. “Two things. One was the assault on Riithan after he stabbed my shoulder and I took his pointy away, and the second was that I am technically engaged to Ados, so his attack on the royal family was my attack on the royal family. So, down here I went.”

“Well, I am here in solidarity, so you aren’t alone, little sis.”

“So, what happened to you?”

“Ah. Well, my sister and I were the primary guardians of Prothuda. We fought side by side for years, and then the government decided that we needed matches, so they brought out the guys that were candidates for the positions, and Korrel latched onto one of my guys. The one that I had chosen just based on looks, in fact. We were called out on a mission, and he was there. He held me while she put an incendiary device under my skin. Under my ribs actually. She laughed and said farewell, then my ex-chosen mate and she blasted away at high speed.”

“What did you do?”

“What would you do?”

“Rip a hole in my skin and pull the device out.”

“Right. It went off in my hand.” Laksi chuckled. “We were close to the Sarathoan border, and Syrn was the one who found me. He stabilized me and got me to Aksalla. No one back home knew that I survived. I hear there is even a memorial to me. I am sure it is very touching.”

Kyda smiled. “Do you think you will visit?”

“Oh, yeah. I am going to head there and pull her spine out back to front. I have to get the power back though. I am still too feeble.” She grumped. “I have a way to go. A few more months.”