“Are they the ones I really don’t want you saying out loud to me in the middle of the stronghold?”

He chuckled. “Probably, but you might enjoy me whispering them in your ear.”

“Dude, I just un-alphaed a guy and ate his power. Is that a weird turn-on for you or something?”

He grinned. “I come from sturdy stock. You have met my parents and definitely met my grandmother.”

She sighed. “This is true. Any siblings?”

“They are on posts around the globe. One brother is a reaper.”

He smiled. “My sister is with her mate in Aksalla.”

“Is that why you took the posting there?”

“Of course. I enjoy the anticipation of being an uncle.”

She looked at him seriously. “Is it fun?”

“It has been what I have been doing with my days off when I wasn’t with you.” He smiled. “I spend it with family, and on other days, I let Nandy know how her family is doing.”

“What did she do to get banished?”

He leaned down and whispered the answer in her ear.

She stared at him and then blinked in understanding. “Oh. That would do it. Does it have to be forever?”

“You can ask the king. He might let her back if you advocate for her.”

Kyda sighed. “Do I have to beg?”

“No, but you might have to bargain.”

She looked at him. “With what?”

“I am sure he will make you an offer of a suitable nature.”

Laksi laughed. “They are desperate for omegas.”

“But... I’m not an omega.”

Laksi howled with laughter. “Of course, you are. We all are. You said you worked around coffee. Did you ever have hot flashes? Days where you would just sweat and shake all day?”

Kyda frowned. “Sure. Every six months or so for the last five years.”

Ados wrapped his arm around her waist. “And that is why we were matched by the BDC.”

“Oh. Oh!” Understanding smacked her.

Laksi laughed again.

When the prisoner groaned and sat up, his mother walked up to him and slapped him hard across his face. “Never come to our house again.”

Riithan gave the man a pack and said, “Out of the stronghold. You are now on your own. See how you like being rejected by your city and sent into a life-endangering situation.”

The man staggered to his feet and then fell to his knees. “Your Highness, please. Don’t do this.”

Riithan’s tail waved and darted toward him. “Isn’t that what she said?”