Laksi dropped him, and he fell to the ground, wheezing.

Kyda stepped toward him and looked at Ados. “What is his sentence?”

“Death. Our seers and projectionists confirmed his actions. They are recovering indoors.” He was looking like he wanted to snap the man’s neck.

She bit her lip. “What if I offer an alternative to death? It will still be horrible, but it will be a never-ending torture.”

Ados blinked. “Oh. That. You think you can?”

She shrugged. “I would like to experiment, and he looks like a suitable target. If he dies in agony, that’s fine, but if he lives his life as a normal human, that works, too.”

Riithan’s dark eyes gleamed. “You can do this?”

“Do I have authorization to do this?”

Hedoreth held up his tablet. “You do.”

Kyda smiled and walked up to the man who was sobbing and begging. She grabbed him by the jaw, lifted him, bit her lip, and then spit her blood into his open mouth. She smiled and dropped him.

Kyda held Ados’s hand.

Riithan stared at the man who was befuddled on the ground. “Isn’t something supposed to happen?”

Kyda grinned. “I thought you would never ask.”

The man began to scream, and she turned to his mother. “She shouldn’t be here for this.”

The woman shook her head. “I saw what he did. This is justice.” She sobbed again. “That poor girl.”

Kyda blinked in surprise, and then she simply let her blood pull everything that made him an alpha.

He screamed for three minutes and then lay still.

Kyda felt his power run through her. “Well, that is interesting. He’s a mathematician by activation.”

The alpha was an alpha no more. He was smaller, less bulky, and upon examination, his teeth had even changed back to standard human dentition.

Ados squeezed her hand. “Good girl.”

She cackled. “Only you would say that, Ados.”

He leaned down and kissed her head. “How is your lip?”

“Healed. I need to thank Nandy for that. By the way, why didn’t you tell me she got me to call her grandma?”

He smiled. “She hasn’t felt like family in a very long time. I am happy you have been able to bring some of that back to her.”

“It’s a little embarrassing that I didn’t know the words. I need to research the local language. Wait a minute.” She went to the new power and frowned. “Nope. It didn’t work. I can get the activation but not the language.”

He sighed. “I am a little relieved that you can’t do everything.”

“Well, not until I consume a psychic talent that can take it from someone’s mind.”

“Or, I could teach you.”

She chuckled. “Killing time until Nandy says that I am safe to touch?”

“Maybe. Guess what words I want to teach you first?”