He paled and was hauled away by two alphas. A third brought the rucksack. Just like that, he was gone. His sobs hung in the air.

Laksi slumped. “That was... intense.”

“Tell me about it. His talent was math. Complicated math. Now that is roaming in my head.” Fatigue hit her, and she yawned.

Ados rubbed her back. “Tired, sweetie?”

“Yeah. Big day. A mom. Headache. Siblings. Nieces. Brother-in-law. Your family. Then stripping an alpha of his activation. I’m tired. Can you take me back to Nandy?” She looked at him.

He nodded. “We will return to your family and say our goodnights.”

Laksi looked at them. “Can I come with you?”

Kyda smiled. “I don’t mind splitting the attic room. Do you think it would be okay with Nandy?”

Ados grinned. “I think she would be delighted. Let’s go back and say your goodnights, and I will take you back to the lab. Both of you.”

Kyda realized that a childhood wish was coming true. She was going to have a sleepover.

Nandy watched them approach with her hands to her lips. “You found another one?”

Ados smiled. “She foundallof them. This is Laksiana. The others all arrived at the stronghold today and shocked the royal family. Aluhara is probably still smiling. A few of her children were staying with her tonight. Hedoreth is smug as hell. Oh, and Kyda pulled an activation out of an alpha which left him a normal human. He has been banished for a violent assault on an omega.”

Nandy looked to Laksi. “Oh, dear. Was it you?”

“No. It was a good friend. She is off on her own and dealing with the after-effects.” Laksi nodded. “I am content with the justice that Kyda meted out. I will have to ask my friend if she is in agreement.”

Nandy looked at her and reached up to cup her jaw. “What did they mix you with?”


“Ah. That explains the height. May I scan you?”

Laksi laughed. “Sure, but Kyda needs a nap. She’s had a rough day.”

Kyda sighed. “She’s not wrong.”

Ados chuckled. “I will tuck her in.”

Kyda flushed. “You don’t have to do that.”

Ados ran his hand down her back. “But I would like it very much if you would let me.”

She glanced up at him and then over at Laksi. Her sister waved her on, and Kyda sighed and headed for the house. Ados followed.

Nandy called out, “Oh, Ados, it is blood contact only, so as long as you are careful, things are safe.”

Ados sighed. “Good. Kyda needs some Sethir lessons.”

She blushed and kept walking. “She’s easy to talk to, Laksi. Night.”

“Night, Kyda.”

Kyda walked with Ados into the house and up the stairs. “I need to take a shower. That cell was a little gross.”

“Fine. I will begin your language lesson when you are clean.”

She paused on the way to the bathroom. “You are serious.”