For a moment, we stare at each other, waiting. Then we simultaneously launch ourselves at each other, hungrily pressing our lips together.

The first time we hooked up, I could write it off as a spur of the moment, stupid, horny mistake. But this time, I know exactly what I’m doing. To deny myself the pleasure that I know Jared can bring me would be silly.

“Bend over the desk,” Jared mumbles as he pulls away from me.

I’m stunned for a second. But my body’s been craving Jared since the first time it got a taste of him. I’m bent over his desk with my pencil skirt clad ass wiggling in the air, any initial awkwardness overridden by the burning in my core.

“Keep your eyes forward,” he orders, noticing me craning my neck to see what he’s doing.

I comply immediately. A part of me is annoyed at myself, not wanting Jared to boss me around. But a larger part can’t help but note how much it excites me.

Finally, he steps behind me and begins grinding his bulge against my ass. It has me whining in neediness, feeling like I can’t possibly endure any foreplay. I want Jared in me and soon.

I push back against him, earning a stern hand on my back pushing me back in place.

“Patience,” he whispers, but even with that, I can hear the tell-tale rattle of him undoing his belt.

Being unable to look behind me, I rely on my senses. When I feel his hands begin to lift up the bottom of my skirt, I know that soon I’ll be getting what I want.

When he pulls my panties aside, the cool air against my bare center causes a rush of liquid to gush from me. At that, I feel Jared slide two of his fingers through my slit.

I let out a small moan at his touch, feeling extremely needy. I’m sure Jared can tell, which is why he doesn’t torture me for long. I wait in anticipation as I feel him line himself up with my opening.

“You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for this,” he says before pushing into me in one slow motion.

We each let out a sound of relief as he settles inside of me, his pelvis resting against my hips. He only stays like that for a beat before beginning to move himself in and out of me.

His thrusts continue to build until they turn harsh and are slamming into me. It’s exactly what I’ve been needing, to feel Jared inside me again.

I don’t worry about the prospect of someone walking by and hearing what we’re doing. All I can focus on is the feelings racking my body from Jared’s punishing pace.

His hands grip tightly at my waist, keeping me steady as he thrusts inside of me. It doesn’t stop me from trying to press back against him though, wanting to meet every thrust with one just as enthusiastic.

“Don’t you dare come until I tell you,” he threatens, thrusting harder into me as he moves his hand to push down on my back.

The command has me clenching around him, his words fueling my excitement. Just to torture me more, he reaches his hand around to relentlessly massage my clit. It’s intense, and I don’t know how long I’ll be able to keep my orgasm at bay.

I’m prepared to beg when Jared finally utters a single word.

“Come,” he says, his voice strained.

I eagerly follow his direction.



“Archer!" Monica calls out as my son rushes into my parents' house.

Everyone is gathered in the living room, eagerly awaiting dinner. Archer has been excited about the visit all day, as is always the case when we have one planned.

Every second Friday of the month, the two families come together for a meal. Although not everyone can make it every time, the tradition has been going since Tyler and I were kids.

"Monica!" Archer calls back, flinging himself into Monica's arms.

She lifts him into the air and hugs him tightly against her chest. Over Archer’s shoulder, I make eye contact with her and see a twinkle in her eye that lets me know she's probably thinking the same thing I am.

Since we hooked up in my office two days ago, we haven’t been able to keep our hands off each other. We’ve had sex on my desk, my office couch, and in my private bathroom.