If anyone was to ask me a year ago if I could picture myself fucking my best friend’s sister, I would have thought it an insane and unlikely notion. Now, it’s all I can think about.

Which may pose a problem at this family dinner.

“Finally. I was starting to think you guys weren’t coming.” Tyler comes over to give me a pat on the back.

It forces me to peel my eyes away from Monica. I need to be more careful, lest someone, especially Tyler, catch onto this new energy between us.

“He was taking forever,” Archer pipes up, still wrapped in Monica’s arms.

She laughs as she sets him down. “I’m not surprised.”

I roll my eyes at her words, but even as I do it, I’m not filled with the same type of annoyance as I usually am at her comments. If anything, her smart mouth gives me ideas about the things I could do with it.

However, I know that if I keep thinking such thoughts, they will become obvious through a bulge in my pants. I can’t have that.

“Dinner’s almost ready. Take a seat, guys,” my mom calls, walking out of the kitchen dressed in an elegant and happy yellow dress.

Everyone listens and maneuvers to the dinner table. The kids, as usual, settle around the coffee table in the living room, which we use as the kids table for these dinners. They’ve never had a problem with it, enjoying the time to themselves.

Sitting down at the table, I’m both elated and worried when Monica takes a seat next to me. Having her this close will make it hard to keep my mind out of the gutter.

“That’s a surprise, that you’re willingly taking a seat next to Jared,” Beth comments as she helps my dad bring out plates of chicken breasts, broccoli, and mashed potatoes.

“If I didn’t know any better, I would think that you actually like each other,” my mom adds as she gets herself comfortable in her spot.

“Hell would have to be freezing over,” Tyler adds, earning a laugh from everyone else.

If only he knew.

“I don’t know. I’m sure those two have been getting along a lot better now because of work,” my mom chimes in.

I will myself to keep my composure with all of this conversation about the state of our relationship. She’s right, we have been getting along a lot better because of work. Just not in the way she would expect.

“Yeah, things have been going fine at the office. Jared keeps me busy,” Monica says with a smile.

“Speaking of work, I had that meeting with Mr. Cho, Tyler,” I pipe up, hoping to quickly change the subject.

“Oh yeah? How did that go?” he asks, looking genuinely intrigued.

I go into telling him and the rest of the table about how I think the meeting went. Doing this helps me keep my mind from the beautiful woman sitting next to me.

Or at least it was, but when I feel a hand rest on my knee, I begin tripping over my words.

“What was that?” Beth asks, as I cut myself short explaining to everyone the new ideas I have for Mr. Cho’s company software.

“Um, I was saying that I suggested a more streamlined code review and testing,” I manage to say, despite the slow creeping of Monica’s hand up my leg.

This is bad. How is it that in only a couple of days, we’ve gotten to fooling around at the dinner table? What is it we’re even doing? I enjoy playing and all, but then what? She’s my employee and Tyler’s sister. This must stop at some point, right?

Even if I wanted to let it go on, I’m sure that Jessica would have a field day in the courts if she found out about Monica and me. She’d probably question when I started seeing Monica, insinuating that maybe something had been going on prior to her being of age.

I shudder at the thought. That can’t happen. But feeling Monica’s hand coming closer and closer to my stiffening cock, I can only wonder if I’ll have the willpower to resist her.

“Well, I’m sure Mr. Cho enjoyed what you had to share,” my dad says before adding on, “Was Monica there?”

Are we back already to Monica and me?

“Yes, Monica was there taking notes,” I explain, feeling her fingers graze over the bulge in my pants.