She giggled and patted my hand.
“It’s fine, it’s fine,” she said, then looked at me like I was a naughty child. “I’m still pissed about the phone, though.”
“I’ll do whatever I can to make it up to you,” I promised.
“Hmph,” she said playfully, then broke out into an excited smile. “He’samazing,isn’t he?”
All I could do was imagine myself in the pantry, pressed against the wall, with Dario inside me.
I was suddenlyveryhot and wet, and I pressed my legs together uncomfortably.
Cat didn’t notice. She was still imagining yesterday as she bit her lower lip and rolled her eyes.
“Oh my god… the way he makes me feel… it’s like no other man I’ve ever been with.” Then she looked at me, her eyes sparkling. “Who’s the best you’ve ever been with?”
“I… I haven’t,” I stammered.
She stared at me like I had three eyes. “You’veneverhadsexbefore?!”
“Oh my god, you poor girl… we have to get you laid.” She playfully pointed at me. “Not Valentino, though – he’smine.”
I frantically shook my headno.“I would never – ”
“Have you ever evenkissedanyone?” she interrupted.
“I… y-yes…”
Her face shone with excitement. “How far did you let him go?”
I swallowed and thought of Dario’s hand beneath my dress.
“I… he touched me…”
Cat waited expectantly.
“…down there,” I whispered, pointing below my waist.
I couldn’t believe I was sharing this private information with a woman who was basically a stranger –
But I figured I owed her for the trouble I’d gotten her into.
…plus it turned me on to actually talk about it.
“You let him finger you?!” Cat squealed.
“I… I guess…?”
She frowned. “What’s the matter with you? Don’t you know what he did?”
I shrugged like,Sort of…?
“Oh my god, you reallyarea good little Catholic girl, aren’t you?” Cat said, realizing how inexperienced I was. She immediately leaned over the counter to gossip. “All right, tell meexactlywhat he did to you.”
“He… he took his finger and… he touched this spot that felt really good…”
“Ohhhhh… he stroked your clit,” she said knowingly. “Not bad. Before Valentino, I was lucky if a guy even knew Ihadone, much less find it.”