Page 71 of Mafia Kings: Dario

“…my clit?” I asked. I had no idea what she was talking about.

“Your clitoris,” Cat said casually.

When I didn’t reply, she said,“Madonn…didn’tanybodyexplain the birds and bees to you?”

I frowned in annoyance. “I know about sex.”

And I did. My mother had explained how babies were made and how I would get my period.

But she died when I was 12. After that, my father never spoke of sex – and I had no aunts or grandmother to tell me more.

“Explain it to me, then,” Cat demanded.

“When a husband and wife love each other very much – ”

“Man andwoman,”she interrupted. “And they don’t exactly have toloveeach other – trust me. My God, the Church has brainwashed you… do you evenknowwhat your clit is?”

I feel absolutely mortified that I was so ignorant and shook my headno.

Cat sighed heavily. “Let me draw you a picture – no, wait, this is better.”

There was a bowl of freshly made dough nearby. Cat pulled out a huge handful, slapped it down on the countertop, and began shaping it.

“Alright, these are your legs… see? And this is your pussy.”

I blushed to hear her say the word, but I watched with intense interest.

“The pussy is the whole thing, but it has different parts. You have the vagina, which is the hole that the guy sticks his cock in. Once you’re nice and wet, that is. Around the vagina are the labia, the lips. You have outside lips and inside lips… and if you follow them all the way up to the top, that’s where you find your clit.”

She made a pea-sized ball of dough and put it at the top of the slit. Then she crimped a little bit more dough and made a sort of half-blanket over the tiny sphere.

“There’s also a hood over the clit, and that feels really good, too – but it’s the clit that’s the most sensitive. For some women, it’stoosensitive – and formostwomen, you have to warm her up first before touching her clit directly. But once you do, it’sfantastic.”Cat slowly moved her fingertip around the pea in a circle. “Is that what he did to you?”

I hadn’tseenit, obviously, but what she was doing seemed remarkably similar to what Dario had done.

I nodded vigorously, my cheeks blazing hot –

And my…

(Oh God, I can’t even say it)

…my pussy got even wetter.

Cat grinned. “How did it feel?”

“AMAZING,” I blurted out, then blushed even harder.

She laughed out loud. “What happened?!”

“He just keep touching it… circling it… stroking it…”

“Stop, you’re gettingmeturned on,” Cat laughed as she fanned herself with one hand. “Did he make you come?”

I stared at her. “What’s that?”

Cat’s head fell forward on her neck like she couldn’t believe I’d even said it. “You don’t know what anorgasmis?!”

“I’veheardof it…”