Page 69 of Mafia Kings: Dario

And as I touched myself and thought of him, my pleasure increased within seconds.

I imagined it washisfinger down there caressing me.

Tiny waves of pleasure rippled through my belly…

But itstillwasn’t as good as him…

And I gave up trying.

Not only that, I was ashamed I’d done something I wasn’t supposed to.

Although,I thought wryly,I don’t think I’ll be going to confession anytime soon.

* * *

After I showered and dressed, I went down to the kitchen.

As soon as Cat saw me, she turned away in silence.

Oh no…

I winced as I asked, “Did Niccolo talk to you?”

Cat looked at me with both anger and fear. “You could have gotten me killed – youknowthat, right?!”

“I didn’t tell him it was you!” I protested frantically. “I just said I found a phone and looked at it – ”

“And then you ran off and disobeyed Don Rosolini!” she hissed. “Niccolo threatened to fire me! I could have losteverything!”

“I just figured that Valentino would have stepped in and protected you,” I mumbled.

Cat looked wary. “And why would he have donethat?”

“Well… because… you know.”

Cat looked a little afraid. “No, I don’t.”

I tilted my head to the side in exasperation. “I sawyou in the pantry yesterday.”

Cat’s eyes nearly bugged out of her head – and then she buried her face in her hands. “Oh my God… oh my God, oh my God, oh my God…”

“I didn’t tell Niccolo,” I whispered.

Cat pulled her head out of her hands and looked up at the ceiling.

“Itoldhim we couldn’t do it in here… Itoldhim we would get caught…” Then she looked at me angrily. “And YOU – you little pervert, spying on us!”

I flushed bright red. “I’m – I’m sorry…”

Cat scowled at me –

Then the corner of her mouth twitched the tiniest bit…

And she burst out laughing.

“Sainted Virgin, your face!… I’m just kidding with you. I mean, I’m not exactlyhappyyou watched us – but let’s just say I’m glad it wasyouand not somebody else.” Cat smiled impishly. “To be honest, I totally would’ve watched, too.”

I still felt absolutely mortified and couldn’t speak.