Page 72 of Mafia Kings: Dario

“Oh my God, were you raised in anunnery?”She didn’t wait for me to answer. “It’s this amazing feeling through your pussy and parts of your body. It’s, like, this intense pleasure – ”

“Like you’re sneezing down there, and it feels really good, and you do it over and over and over again?” I asked.

Cat laughed. “Oh shit, it sounds like you came!”

My cheeks burned bright red again.

Dario made me come…

“Daaaamn… you’re practically a nun, and the first guy who touched you gave you an orgasm? Lucky girl,” Cat purred. Then she asked excitedly, “Who was he?”

A mafioso.

The man who runs this entire estate and crime family.

“…just a guy…” I said quietly.

“Wow… well, if he could get you off the first time with his fingers, imagine what he could do with his cock.”

I felt like I was burning up.

Both my face –

Andmy pussy.

Cat groaned. “NowI’mall turned on! I amnotfucking Valentino in the pantry again, so no more sex talk!”

That was fine by me.

All I could think of was Dario touching me…

Touching my clit…

And making me come, over and over –

“Alright,” Cat said, interrupting my daydream, “want to make it up to me for screwing me over with Niccolo?”

“Yes, of course,” I said, grateful for something else to think about.

“Good.” She pointed at a nearby counter where there was a beautiful wooden tray and a plate filled with fruit, fresh bread, and butter. “Once I make a cup of espresso, I need you to take that up to Don Rosolini.”

My entire body jerked as I stared at her. “…Dario?”

Cat looked over her shoulder with an amused expression.

“My, aren’tweforward! Yes, the boss. He wants some breakfast before he works.” She leaned forward and whispered, “He scares me a little.”

Tell me about it.

I blushed even harder. “I… I don’t think that’s a good idea…”

She frowned as she worked the levers on an expensive coffee machine, and it began to hum and churn. “Why not?”


He’s the one who made me come.

“…uh, he’s very angry with me.”