“Umm, there’s something else you need to know first,” Liza said, obviously coming back to herself.
“What is it?” he asked.
Her eyes grew watery, and she drew a deep breath. “I’m also having a problem at work, which involves checks. I think my brother might somehow be involved.” She looked away, unable to meet his gaze.
Dare knew what the admission had cost her. He wouldn’t let her regret it by going ballistic about her sibling.
He grabbed her hand. “It’ll be okay. Let me get Ethan working on the cameras. Then you and I will go back to your place, and you can tell me everything.” He grasped both her hands in his. “I’m here,” he promised her.
They started back toward the pool when he thought he heard her ask, “But for how long?”
He had no time to answer. They walked into the gated pool area. Ethan took one look at them and strode over, demanding to know what was wrong. From there, Dare gave orders, and everyone listened.
Nash and Kelly took Tess inside. Faith sat by Liza while Ethan pulled the tape. Since very little time had passed, they were able to find the footage and make a DVD to bring to the station. At the very least, they could try to identify the man, but Dare already knew they were dealing with someone who’d stop at nothing to get his money.
Liza’s cut brake line was proof of that.
Who did that son of a bitch owe money to and for what? Dare wanted to beat her brother senseless for involving Liza in anything, but all that would do was put distance between Dare and Liza. And she needed him by her side now more than ever.
As much as he wanted to question her and see what was going on both at work and with Brian, she was too shaken up for him to grill her tonight. Between her concussion, the accident, and everything with her brother, she was more fragile than he’d ever seen her.
Dare knew a good night’s sleep would do wonders, and by morning she’d be ready to handle whatever needed to be done. Liza was strong, and she was a fighter.
But for tonight, she needed some TLC, and Dare had no problem giving it to her.
Liza felt asif her brain had short-circuited. For a woman who’d always been in control of her life, her emotions, and her destiny, the past week had shredded any notions she had about being in charge. So when Dare offered to drive her home, she agreed without question. When he parked in her driveway and instructed her to sit tight, she listened too. He came around to the passenger’s side of the car and opened her door, helped her out, and walked beside her to the house. He held out his hand, and she gave him the keys.
Oh, she knew by tomorrow she’d pull herself together, but for tonight, if he wanted to order her around and take complete control, she decided she’d allow it. Her brain had already shut down, and it felt good not to fight the person who wanted to pamper her.
He locked the front door and checked the garage exit and windows, and for once, she was grateful Dare Barron was a cop. She put all thoughts of Brian, people he owed money to, and men who wanted to hurt her out of her mind. Or tried to. The lingering fear and anxiety hovered just below the surface.
Dare must have sensed her fragile emotions because he was steady and calm. He asked her no questions and demanded no answers. He was just there.
He guided her to the bathroom and turned on the shower. “Long day at the pool means we need to clean up.”
She merely nodded.
While waiting for the water to get hot, Dare stepped closer. He lifted the sheer top she’d put over her bathing suit and drew it over her head. The cool air-conditioning blew over her skin, and she shivered, her nipples hardening instantly beneath the bathing suit top.
He noticed but said nothing, merely reaching around to unhook the bikini top and let the material fall to the floor. Her breasts grew heavy under his insistent stare.
“Beautiful,” he said almost reverently and brushed the pad of his thumb over one distended peak.
She moaned and realized the sound had come from her throat. Realized too that, at his touch, her body came alive, and so did her mind. Her senses, which had been dead since the incident on the driveway at Ethan’s, fired up at his intimate caress.
He switched to the other breast, swiping his finger over her other nipple. “Just trying to give them equal treatment,” he said with a sexy grin.
She laughed for what felt like the first time in hours. She couldn’t resist him one bit. And for right now, she didn’t want to. She needed this, needed him too badly. The worry and the issues between them could wait.
She eased one finger inside his bathing suit trunks, and his stomach muscles jumped, stiffening beneath her touch. She could imagine other muscles stiffening as well and wanted to find out firsthand.
“Nuh-uh.” Dare grabbed her wrist. “Tonight is about you.”
At his words, moisture pooled between her thighs. “But touching you makes me happy,” she murmured.
His eyes glazed over. “I’ll make you even happier,” he promised. “Now keep your hands to yourself like a good girl.” He placed her hands back at her sides before hooking his fingers into her suit bottom and easing them down her legs.