Page 72 of Karma

She reached into her purse and was looking for her keys when someone tapped her on the shoulder. Already antsy from earlier events, she jumped back, letting out a little shriek.

“Ms. McKnight?” A man wearing a black T-shirt with gold chains and denim jeans stood too close for comfort.

Liza narrowed her gaze and clutched her bag tighter in her hand. She hadn’t yet found her keys and stepped closer to her car in search of personal space, but the man wasn’t taking the hint.

“Who are you?” she asked the man with dark hair and a short crew cut.

“A friend of your brother’s.”

“Who somehow found me here?” She shook her head, better than letting the rest of her shake, which would only show her fear. “You followed me.”

“You’re smarter than your brother.”

Only because I’m sober,Liza thought. “I’ll ask you again. Who are you?”

He grinned. “I like you, Ms. McKnight. So it would really pain me if you had another accident, only this time you were on the highway with no flower beds to cushion your crash.”

Her mouth grew so dry, words failed her. “What do you want with me?” she managed to ask.

“Your brother owes my boss money, and he’ll get it one way or another. Your accident was a warning. Tell him to pay, or next time, you won’t be so lucky.”

Her legs started to shake and she leaned against the car, watching as he ran, not walked down the driveway.


She whirled toward Dare, torn between sending him after the guy who’d disappeared at the end of the long driveway or jumping into his arms. But when she heard the roar of an engine in the distance, she knew the guy was long gone.

Chapter Thirteen

Liza had jumpedDare the minute he’d stepped into view. He’d caught her and wrapped her in his arms, but it wasn’t enough, and she was practically crawling inside his skin, trembling.

“What the hell happened?” Dare asked, holding her tight. He wasn’t about to let go. “I came out to see if I could catch you before you left and thought I heard voices.”

“Some guy was waiting for me by my car.” She spoke in his ear. If he wanted to see her face, he’d have to peel her off him, and she clearly wasn’t ready.

“What do you mean? Who was waiting by your car?”

“Some guy. He said that Brian owes his boss money and my accident was a warning. That next time, I’ll be on a highway, and there’ll be no flowers to cushion my crash.”

Dare’s stomach churned. He slowly lowered her feet to the ground. Bracing his hands on her forearms, he held her out in front of him. Her dark eyes were wide in her pale face. Real fear embraced her, and he wanted to take off down the driveway after the guy.

“Liza?” He needed to make sure she was hearing him.


“Where did he go?”

“He ran off. Down the driveway. I heard a loud engine at the same time you came outside. He’s gone.” She wrapped her arms around herself and started shaking once more.

“Hey. Nobody is getting near you,” he promised her. He had unused vacation time, and he planned to take it. “I’ll be with you twenty-four seven until we figure this out. Okay?”

She nodded. That she wasn’t arguing with him told him how flat-out scared she was. At least now she’d take the threat seriously.

“Can you describe the guy?” Dare asked, then remembered something. “Wait. Hang on.” He looked up at the house, searching for the security cameras his brother had talked about putting in.

Bingo. Up near the corner of the window above the garage.

“Let’s go back inside and talk to Ethan. He’s got this place under surveillance. We might be able to get a photo of the guy.” He held out his hand and waited for her to take it.