Page 74 of Karma

He lowered along with them, slowly revealing her to his hungry gaze. She stepped out of one side, then the other, and he tossed the bottoms across the floor.

He stood and, with one swift yank, removed his trunks. Next thing she knew, he’d lifted her and placed her inside the shower, joining her in the enclosed steamy area. The space wasn’t tiny, and they fit just fine, with room to move and turn.

Dare settled her with her back to the wall. He lathered up his hands with her favorite coconut-scented soap and began to wash her body from her toes on up, massaging with his fingertips, easing his strong hands over her calves, up her knees, her thighs, and slowly inching his way to her feminine folds. All the while, his erection pulsed strong and hard, rigid and upright against his belly.

Her sex clenched with need, and she tried to touch him, wanting to slide her hand along the hard, rigid shaft, but he shook his head once more.

“No.” He placed her palms against the wall behind her, and while he was positioning her, he spread her thighs open wide. “This is about you, remember?”

She nodded, feeling vulnerable because the position exposed her to him in all ways.

“You trust me, right, baby?” he asked.

She melted like butter. “Of course I do.” Her legs trembled at the admission, her body contracting and craving him like never before.

“Then let me make you feel good. You need this,” he said gruffly.

She did. She neededhim. She relaxed, let her palms feel the cooler shower tile, and allowed the sensation to take over.


Dare felt theminute she stopped fighting and gave herself over to him. Her muscles slackened, and she leaned against the wall, trusting him to take care of her.

From this woman, the submission was humbling. He slid his slick hands from her thighs to higher, bypassing her dampness. She let out a cry of disappointment.

He laughed and pressed a kiss to her belly. “Soon,” he promised. “Soon.”

He continued his deliberately sensual assault, lathering the rest of her. Taking his time with her breasts, he palmed the firm flesh in his hands, arousing her by rolling her nipples between his fingers. With every squeeze, she thrust her hips forward in a silent plea.

He set his jaw and ended his cleaning, leaning in for a long kiss, devouring her lips and thrusting his tongue into her eager mouth. To her credit, her hands remained in place and she let him do the work, taking possession of her mouth. He slid his tongue in and out, mimicking the act her lower body desperately sought until his cock was so hard he thought it would break.

Dare leaned his head back and drew a deep breath. He caught sight of the shower handle and unhooked it from the holder. He rinsed her off, watching as the soap slid over her skin, the white foam easing over the slope of her breast, the curve of her hips, and down between the V of her legs.

Once he’d finished his task, he was about to drop the handle and shut off the shower when another idea hit him, and he lifted the pulsing water jets. Up, up, and over her thighs, the water pelted against her skin.

He met her gaze for a moment and watched her eyes first widen in surprise, then glaze over in understanding and desire. Knowing he had her permission, he refocused on his task, aiming the water at her center. The streams struck at her sex, gliding over and onto her inner and outer lips, hitting her directly on the small bud he desperately wanted to take into his mouth.

But not yet.

Instead of easing up, he brought the showerhead closer so the power and pressure of the stream did its job. Her legs began to shake, and he slipped one hand behind her back to hold her up, all the while never letting the water pressure ease.

She leaned against him, panting in his arms. Head thrown back, hips thrust out, taking the pleasure he delivered, she was the most gorgeous thing he’d ever seen. And suddenly she cried out, her orgasm overtaking her.

Dare dropped to his knees and replaced the water jets with his mouth, suckling her clit into his mouth, pulling her deeper into sensation, letting her ride her climax and him to completion.

When she’d finished and nearly collapsed, he slammed the shower off and wrapped her in a towel, then pulled out one for himself. A few minutes later, he’d dried them as best he could and led her to the bed. She was still too malleable, too willing to let him call the shots.

That was okay. He knew it wasn’t a permanent state. It just meant she still needed him. Once on the mattress, he pried the towel off her body, baring her to him once more. She shivered, and so did he, but he knew they wouldn’t be cold for long.

He lay alongside her, letting his body heat fuel hers. Then reaching out, he slipped his finger between her legs, finding her wet and ready for him.

“Tell me you want this,” he said, needing to hear her voice. Her certainty.

“I wantyou.” As if to prove it, she bent her knees and reached for him.

He raised himself up and over her, coming down so his erection was poised at her entrance. They’d had the protection talk, and he wasn’t stopping now.

He leaned over and nipped at her lips at the same time he thrust deep, and if he didn’t know better, he’d think he’d found home.