Page 8 of Ruler

Lupa: Aaaand?

Me: Just spit it out already. This is quite dramatic, even for you, Morgana.

Morgana: Lupa seems to think we need to stop hiding, so I suppose I have to play along. Are you sure Liam, Gus, and Kai won’t mind?

I can practically imagine the acting Drákon Leader fidgeting, so I quickly type out my reply.

Me: You’re the Drákon Leader… who are we to disagree with you, oh mighty Leader?

Laughter explodes from me when she replies with a sleeve of middle-finger emojis.

Lupa: I think smoke is about to shoot out of her nostrils.

Me: See you soon.

I sign off with a dragon emoji, followed by smoke and fire.

“Is there something you’veforgottento tell us, agápi?” Liam drawls, making it clear he’s been reading over my shoulder.

Widening my eyes, I try to look innocent as I turn to look at all three of my guys. “Me? Whatever do you mean?” For good measure, I bat my eyelashes while trying to keep my grinning to a minimum.

“Come on, Nereid. Spit it out,” Kai rasps as he enters the bedroom.

My brain almost short circuits as Gus walks out of the adjoining bathroom, only wearing a towel. How the hell am I meant to think straight when they’re all shirtless? Their delicious abs and enticing Vs are on full display.

“What’s she planning now?” Gus asks. Hmm, I’m not sure I like that he only needed one look at my face to know I’m up to something.

I sigh theatrically and move, so I’m lying on my back with my hands behind my head. “I’m not smiling because I’m up to something. This smile is because Lupa finally talked Morgana into coming out tonight.” Although I know none of my men have an issue with my friends’ relationship, I’m still holding my breath.

Kai’s brows furrow in confusion. “Didn’t she already?”

“You said she agreed a few days ago.” Liam adds.

Waving them off, I say, “I lied.” Their faces are comically stoic, as I admit to the dishonesty. “Morgana kept wavering, but I kept hoping she’d give in. And I didn’t want to make any changes since I was at least sixty percent sure she’d make the right decision in the end.”

“So now they’re coming out?” Gus asks. “Well, everyone knows about Lupa, so I guess it’s only Morgana coming out.”

Liam laughs. “But no one knows they’re together, so does that count as coming out as well?”

Without looking at any of them, I explain what our group chat has been all about these past few days. “Morgana doesn’t want to come out. To her there’s nothing to announce, so she just wants to appear while holding Lupa’s hand.”

“Sounds reasonable,” Kai says, nodding. “No one announces they’re straight, so why do you have to announce when you’re not? It’s a partner, regardless.”

Gus looks even more confused now. “But Arthur knows Morgana is in a relationship with Lupa.”

“Morgana doesn’t know that… I mean, she does. Ugh, it’s confusing. It’s one of those situations where they both know, but since they haven’t talked about it, they’re just both kind of—”

“Playing pretend,” Kai interjects, and I nod. That’s exactly what it’s like.

“So tonight,” Liam prompts. “Tonight, everyone will find out.”

While the guys talk about potential outcomes, I get up and head for the bathroom. If Lupa and Morgana are going to get ready here, I need to hurry and shower. Before the door closes behind me, I hear all three of them suggest they join so they can scrub my back. I contemplate the offer for all of ten seconds, then I shut the door before I can give in.

“Stop fidgeting,” Morgana scolds. “This was your idea, so you don’t get to be nervous.”

Lupa huffs so loud I can hear it at the other end of the room. “I’m not nervous.” Rolling her shoulders back, the Russo Heir walks over to her girlfriend and takes her hand. “Maybe I am a little.”

“If any of them have an issue, I’ll kick their ass,” I say, deciding it’s time for me to chime in. “This is the first partyI’mthrowing, and I won’t allow anyone to tarnish it by acting in a way that’s unbecoming.” Truth is, I’m a nervous wreck. Not for myself, it’s all for my guests.