Page 7 of Ruler

“You don’t want a council of yay-sayers or people you don’t trust. You want competent friends you can trust. People whom you know share your values on the big things, and that won’t abuse their power once your back is turned,” I say as I return her smirk with a shit-eating grin.

Gus chuckles. “Sounds like utopia.”

“Or like Avalon,” Kai says. His brows are furrowed in concentration. “Maybe this is what your dream was about?”

“Maybe,” Cia allows, not sounding like she believes that, and neither do I. “Okay, so just us, Arthur, Gwenda, Remus, Lupa, and Morgana. I should talk to the girls and see what they think first. I don’t want to… well, I don’t want them to feel forced.”

Kai catches my eyes, and I’m pretty sure we’re thinking the same thing. If agápi wants a council like she described, she can’t be doing her friends any favors when it comes to official shit.

I reach for agápi, and when she takes my hand, I pull her flush against me. “You can’t have it both ways,” I say softly. “You can’t in one breath say you want honesty and people to be equal, and then in the next play favorites. We know you’re doing it because they’re your friends, and it makes sense since their relationship is a secret. But if you ask them to attend, they have to be here. Otherwise they’re neglecting their roles—”

Gus interrupts. “Technically, it’s only Morgana that’s neglecting her role if she declines the invitation. As an Heir, Lupa shouldn’t be invited unless the other Heirs are to come as well.”

“This is why I hate politics,” agápi gripes.

“Even if it’s not a Kronos party?” I ask, genuinely confused.

Gus nods slowly. “It’s still a Kronos party. But if it wasn’t, it would still count when she’s inviting the Leaders,” he confirms. Turning to Cia, he says, “Look, I love that you’re making friends, but it’s still a Society party, just an intimate one. What goes for one has to go for the other.”

“Okay. Yes. you’re right. How about this, we invite the Leaders and their significant other? That way it’s up to Lupa and Morgana if they attend or if only Morgana shows up. But we’ll make it clear they know it’s a closed party, and that no one else is coming.”

Kai runs his hand down agápi’s long hair before softly saying, “That might work. But keep in mind that it’s business. You have to take your personal feelings out of it, otherwise the ones who feel you don’t have their back will make you regret it.”

I look at Gus first, not liking the way his lips are set in a grim line. Then I look at agápi who looks as confused as I feel. “Who can make the Ruler regret anything?” The words are laced in my disbelief.

“There’s always someone who has more power than you,” Kai vaguely says.

Chapter 3


Lupa: Morgana is freaking out!

Morgana: Am not!

Lupa: Morgana is in denial!

Morgana: You suck!

Lupa: No. I lick! But I won’t anymore if you don’t stop changing your mind every other minute. Cia, help me out here. She needs to stop hiding me. I’m too pretty to be a dirty secret.

I can’t stop laughing as I read the messages in my group chat with the two women I now call my best friends.

Morgana: What do you think, Dragon?

My finger is itching to type ‘whatever you want, Dragon.’ But since I don’t know for certain if Lupa is aware of Morgana’s biological parentage, I will not out her in a text message.

Me: I’ll support whatever you want to do.

Me: But you have to be here in less than two hours, so you kind of need to decide whether you’re coming alone or bringing your significant other.

Lupa: Hear that? I’m significant!

“Why are you smirking like you’re up to something?” Liam asks as he joins me on the bed. “Don’t even try to deny it. Your eyes give you away, agápi.”

I grin at him and open my mouth to answer, but I’m distracted when my phone pings again.

Morgana: Okay!! This time I won’t change my mind. I’ll be there in two hours and we can get ready together.