Page 13 of Cold as Ice

“Take your pants off,” I said, looking at his chart and avoiding eye contact with him.

“Is this how you talk to all your patients?” He asked, standing up and popping open the button on his pants. I looked up at him over the file and shook my head. “Did you lock the door?” He arched his brow, and I rolled my eyes.

“Look Garrison, we have to get this figured out, you weren’t hit at an angle that should have hurt your knee.” I went to continue, but heard him make an irritated noise.

“It’s Garrison now, is it? I don’t remember the last time you called me by my first name. Maybe the day we got married?” He smiled, and I rolled my eyes.

“I have a job to do and they have given me no time to play doctor. The team wants you back on the ice, so this is going to be no nonsense Boone. Let me do what I’m good at.”

“Please do what you’re good at and I will be healed in no time.” He winked, and I grabbed a pen and threw it at him.

Turning on my computer, I pulled up the play, and we watched it, at regular speed. “Okay, I’m going to slow it down, and I need you to tell me exactly when you knew there was a problem.” Over and over I replayed the hit, him falling and then when he got fallen on by another player while he was getting up.

“Virginia, I need you to look at this.” One of the doctors from the orthopaedic department walked into my office without knocking.

Christy raced in after him and looked at Boone, pant less and game tape playing on the computer. “I’m sorry I was in the back and he, well, just walked in.”

“Garrison, will you give me a moment?” Standing, I walked over to the other doctor. “Garth, this is very unprofessional behaviour. If the door is closed, you knock. We’ve been over this.”

“Why so you can make sure your patient can get pants on? Virginia, I thought we had been getting along better.”

“We never were, and never have been, anything. Whatever you’ve dreamt up in your mind is wrong.” I didn’t think I had ever been more angry at someone. He just wouldn’t take the hint. A hint I had been giving for six years.

“Mind if I say something?” Boone turned in his chair and looked at me. “Well, I don’t care if you mind or don’t.” He stood and grabbed his crutches and stood beside me in his underwear. “Garth, if you’ve still been having thoughts about Ginny here, I suggest you wipe them from your mind, because I don’t think her husband will take too kindly to those thoughts.”

“She doesn’t have a husband.” Garth snorted and looked back at me.

“Hi, Garrison Boone, Dr. Davenport, rather, Dr. Boone’s husband.” He stuck his hand out and waited for a response from Garth. “You were a Boone when you graduated,” he looked back at me and I closed my eyes and shook my head, “so her degrees all say that.”

“Ginny? Virginia, what’s going on?” Garth asked, crossing his arms over his chest. “I’ve put up with you ignoring me, not taking my calls, refusing dates, avoiding work mixers. I’ve bided my time and now you pretend to be married?” A look of disgust crossed his face and shook his head. Boone hopped back to his jeans and pullout his wallet, pulling something out he handed it to Garth.

“It’s not a great picture, but it’s us on our wedding day.” Garth took it and looked at me, then back to the picture. “She just turned eighteen, and I whisked her away to elope. We will celebrate our twelfth wedding anniversary next week.” I turned to look at Boone, realizing he was right. Garth handed the picture back to Boone and grabbed the file from me.

“I will get someone else to consult.” He marched out of my office and I closed the door again.

Boone shuffled back to the chair and sat down. “Lock the door, Ginny.” His voice was full of irritation and while I knew he put on a good show, this wasn’t going to be over without any other discussion.



Ginnyand I didn’t talk much after Garth left her office. She did tests, ran ultrasounds and sent me for an MRI. When I finally got back to her office, I found her wearing her glasses perched on her forehead, sitting only inches from the screen of her computer. “Well doc, give it to me straight.” I sat down across from her and waited. She didn’t crack a smile, she didn’t even look at me.

“I think it’s a mild MCL tear. From your blood work, I would say you could have some deep tissue or muscle involvement, but as the days go by, I can check that again.” She looked from the computer at me. “Rest and ice for twenty-four hours, then light stretching and we’ll go from there.” She folded her hands and waited for my response.

“Are we going to talk about what just happened?” I relaxed back in the chair and stared at Ginny.

“There’s nothing to talk about. Nothing has or ever will happen with him. He’s not exactly my type, Boone.” She glared at me, egging me on.

“And just what is your type, Dr. Davenport?” Standing from the chair, I hopped around to stand over her. Turning her chair, she looked up at me and smiled.

“Apparently you.”

“That’s right, me.” Leaning down, I wrapped my hand around the back of her head, leaned down and pressed my lips to her, making sure she had no questions about who she belonged to. “I will see you at home.” Looking into her eyes, I knew she was mine, but I needed to make her realize I was hers as well.

“You’re not going home, big boy. I’m sending you to the physio department to get you fitted for a proper splint, and they will get a care plan started for you so we don’t have to waste time later in the week.” She stood and pointed at the wheelchair in the corner. “Have a seat and I will take you down there.” She walked behind the chair and waited for me to move.

Having her wheel me around irritated me, but knowing she was still being harassed by the clown in her office made me angry. I was tired of her having to deal with him, and it was time to take things into my own hands. Her name was paged over the intercom and she sighed. “Have the physio department call me when you’re done and I will come back and get you.” She leaned down and kissed me quickly before she left to see who needed her.