Page 12 of Cold as Ice

“Thanks for the fun night, and welcoming me to the team, Sarah.” The girls hugged, and I shook Phil’s hand as we left the bar. Getting in the car, Ginny sighed. “That was a good night.”

“I’m glad you had a good time. Think it will be easy to be around all of them game in and game out?” Checking over my shoulder, I pulled out of the parking spot and headed for the highway. There wasn’t a reply from the passenger seat, so I glanced over and Ginny was sound asleep. The dash light illuminating her peaceful sleeping face. She didn’t have to answer my question. I knew things were good by how peaceful she was sleeping.

Or she had passed out.



For a week,life was more normal. The team was on their way game swing. I threw myself into work, making sure I caught up on things that I had put off while I was following him around here in the city. I had my bed to myself again, but I didn’t feel good about it. I missed him being close, his warmth, and I missed him.

Sitting at my desk, I was staring at my computer, but nothing was getting done. “Ginny, the Harpsburg Rangers called. They need to get a player in.” My heart dropped to my stomach. I listened to Christy rattle on, but nothing was processing.

“Christy, who’s hurt?” I barked at her. She stopped and looked at me like I had kicked her dog.

I saw it in her eyes when it triggered in her brain why I was so frantic. “Oh Ginny, I’m sorry, Phil Grover,” she said as fast as she could get it out. Closing my eyes, I let out a sigh of relief.

“Sorry I was rude. How about from now on if Harpsburg calls, we start with the player,” she laughed nervously and nodded her head. In all the years she worked here, I don’t think I had ever lost my temper like that. I didn’t lose my temper. It was the one thing from my childhood that still sent chills through me. Coaches getting mad when I didn’t land a lutz in practice, or if I tripped during my long program in competition. I kept it bottled all up inside until one day I lost it on Boone at the rink. He held me as I crumbled on to the ice in tears after he showed up early to the rink while I was being berated. He was always my saviour and after that day he never let me be at practice alone.

“Here’s the report from their doctors and trainers. I have him booked in tomorrow at nine.” She set the new file on my desk. “He’s talking about going home for a few days to see his father. I guess he isn’t well. Do you think he will be able to go?” Quickly I flipped through his file and it looked just like a sprain, but I would know more when I dug into the notes and examined him when his flight got here.

“He has Sarah. I trust she will make him do what he needs to, so I think if we can get good notes and teach her what needs to be done, she will make sure everything he needs to do will happen.” She nodded and turned to leave my office. “Christy, I’m sorry, it won’t happen again.” She smiled, and I knew it was forgotten.

The day flew by and I wrote up a tentative plan for Phil before I left for the day. Arriving home, I prepared for one last evening alone. The Harpsburg plane was supposed to arrive at ten tonight, so I worked late and grabbed take out on the way home. There was soft music playing when I walked up to my house and the most delicious smell wafted over me when I opened the door. “I wondered if I needed to send a search party out for you,” Boone said, standing at the stove with my apron on.

“You weren’t supposed to be back until ten.” I set the bag of food down on the table and took my coat off. Boone walked over to where I stood and looked at the bag of Chinese food.

“Looks like you have leftovers for tomorrow.” He slid the bag into the fridge before pulling me into his arms. The kitchen was enormous. It was the one thing my grandmother had asked for when grandpa had this house built. I watched him sway her around most nights while she was cooking supper. Her laughter still bounced off the cupboards occasionally when I thought back to those days. And now here I was with Boone and he was swaying me around in time to the music. “Did you watch the games?” He asked in a low, husky voice.

“No.” I replied defiantly, but I was lying through my teeth.

Boone stopped moving and looked down at me. “Why are you lying? I see it in your eyes. Did you watch me play?” He asked slower, lowering his mouth to within a breath's width from mine.

“Yes.” I whispered seconds before his mouth captured mine and his slight laugh was lost in our kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck and held him close as he backed me up to the counter and pressed me against it. Our slow kiss had turned into frustrated need. His hands roamed my body, his lips left mine and attacked my neck. Letting my head roll back, I sighed at his closeness, at his touch, the familiarity of him pressed against me. Boone pulled away, and we were both trying to catch our breath. “I should go change.” Looking from him to the floor. I needed to get out of this kitchen or he would be taking me right here on the floor. Not that we hadn’t done that before. When we took ownership of the home, we made it our mission to christen every room. It was a challenge we had taken seriously as a newly married couple.

“Should we eat supper?” I asked when I came back into the kitchen, pulling one of his triple A hoodies over my head.

“Well, unless you have other plans for right now that would make me not care that supper is cold, yes, we should eat.” Boone pulled me to him and placed a kiss on my mouth. He had always been a touch man. It was something I think he learned from his parents. I never saw them go anywhere without holding hands or having an arm around one another. Coming from a family that rarely touched, it was nice to see.



“Ginny, Harpsburg called.”Christy walked into my office and set the file down. Looking at the name she had put across the top and my stomach sank. Grabbing the file, I opened it and flipped through all the information.

“What did they say?” Nothing was making sense. I had watched the game, the hit he took didn’t look bad. How could he have an injury from that?

“They said when he went down, another player landed on his leg and he’s been struggling for the last twelve hours. Nothing the trainers have done is working. They are placing him on the injured list and he is on his way home. The team will have a car for him at the airport and he will be brought directly here.” Christy looked out at her desk before turning back to me. “They wanted me to remind you they need everyone ready to go.”

“Like I needed to be reminded of that.”

“I think sometimes people forget who you are since you’re going by Davenport.” She shrugged and left the office. It was one of Boone’s complaints since he’d been back. There was no reason for me to keep using Davenport. It was out in the open now that we were married and he wanted me to use his last name.

“Christy, did the team say what time he would be here?” I looked at the time on my computer and tried to figure out how long it would take him to get back from Seattle.

“Does now work?” His low voice made me look up from my computer. “This wasn’t how I was planning on returning from this road trip.” He hobbled over on a set of crutches and sat down in a chair across from me.

I stood up, walked to the door, leaned out, and told Christy, “My afternoon is booked. Please reschedule anyone this will affect and I won’t be taking calls either.” The woman nodded, and I closed the door.