Page 14 of Cold as Ice

“Would you like me to call Virginia to get you back to her office?” The physio guy asked.

“No, I can get myself back there. But could you tell me where Garth’s office is?” I shifted in the wheelchair. “And can I get crutches? I’ve used them in the past. I don’t need a chair.” The guy looked at me and nodded. It took a few minutes for him to get them set for me and I followed his directions to find this doctor.

Knocking on the door, I heard shuffling of papers before the door swung open. “Ah, Mr. Boone, what can I do for you?” He stammered as he looked up at me.

“I was hoping we could chat for a minute.” I didn’t wait for an answer, as I pushed past him and took a seat in front of his desk. It looked like he had every diploma or degree he ever received on his wall. I wondered if there was even the kindergarten diploma on display. “I just have a concern about how much time you’re spending obsessing over my wife.” He tried to interrupt me, but I wasn’t having it. “No, this is a listening time for you. If you don’t stay away from my wife, you will not like what happens.”

“Are you threatening me, Mr. Boone?” He sputtered.

“No, nothing of the sort. I am just letting you know that failing to leave my wife alone will result in issues I guarantee you aren’t able to take care of. Do you understand me?” I watched him pale as he nodded. Smiling, I stood and leaned over his desk. “I might be a jock, but I am fully aware of how to make someone’s life miserable.” Heading to the door, I opened it and the hallway seemed like it was full of people milling about. “Thanks for the discussion Doc,” I said as I hopped along with my crutches.

“What did you say to him?” Ginny said as I went into her office. “Boone, am I going to have to deal with a lawsuit? Did you threaten him?” She closed her eyes and rubbed her head.

“Nope, nothing like that, baby. If a lawsuit comes, it will be from you for harassment. I think he understands the situation now.” She wasn’t wrong. He was a loose cannon and what I just did might make things worse, but if it happens, I will be ready to keep her safe. “What do you say to heading home?” I hung on my crutches, waiting for her answer.

“Why are you on crutches? I sent you down in a wheelchair.” She frowned and turned to her computer. I assumed she was looking up the notes from the physio department.

“I wasn’t going to confront Garth in a wheelchair. The crutches were bad enough. Usually I can intimidate people with my size alone, but right now I look like a wimp.” I flopped down onto the sofa before patting the seat beside me. I couldn’t believe she actually came to sit with me, but she rested her head on my shoulder as she cuddled into my side.

“Can I tell you a secret?” She asked.

“Of course.” I kissed the top of her head and waited for whatever bomb she was about to drop.

“I watched our video.” Her voice was barely above a whisper.

“When?” I asked, my heart suddenly pounding out of my chest.

“The night you left for the road trip, and the last two nights.” She sat up and looked at me. I tried to hide the smile that was growing across my face.

“And what did you think? I mean, obviously it did something if you’ve watched it three times.” She shook her head. “Not three times? Over three?” She pursed her lips and nodded. “Well, aren’t you just a horny woman, which makes me a lucky man?”



Standingat the door to the hall, goosebumps formed on my hot skin, and the cold air fills my lungs. Letting my head fall back, I stretched and worked a few kinks out of my shoulders. This night’s always hectic, as were the weeks leading up to it. “It looks like you’ve got a great turnout.” A deep voice said from behind me. The voice made my goosebumps ten times larger and I let my eyes close.

“Yes, it is. So far, it’s been a great evening.” I said, as I turned to look at Boone. He’s dressed in a suit and tie, looking far too amazing for his own good, or for my own good. “Thank you for coming. You’ve drawn a crowd that we’ve never gotten before. I appreciate it. I know how much you hate public appearances.” I wrapped my arms around my waist, the cold night seeping into my bones.

“You know I would do anything for you,” he said, stepping closer to me and putting his hand on my cheek. “My actions over the last eight years maybe haven’t proven that, but I would, Ginny.” His touch sent shockwaves through me, once more reminding me that the chemistry between us was combustible. Life was simple until Boone came back. Standing here with him made me question why we weren’t together. Why had we both accepted being apart from one another for this long? “I’ve been trying not to get in your way for the last two hours, but I had to see you up close. You look as beautiful as you did on our wedding day.” He’s eyes grew soft, and he leaned into me.

“I was wearing blue jeans and a t-shirt. Hopefully, I look better tonight.” Brushing my dress, trying to press the wrinkles that had formed around my middle from supper. I needed to walk away. “We can’t do this here, Boone.” I whispered.

“What can’t we do? Talk? Why not?” His baritone voice lowered and became possessive. I wanted to tell him, but I didn’t know what he would say. My heart was begging me to blurt out that I was in love with him, but my head was holding a caution sign, waiting for him to become the man I walked away from.

“Oh, Ginny, there you are. We have a problem that you need to deal with.” Christy my burst through the doors only to stop on a dime and look from Boone to me. “I’m sorry, am I interrupting something?” The corners of her mouth turned up when she looked back at me.

“No, Christy, you aren’t. What’s wrong?” I moved closer to her and tried to ignore Boone.

“If you’ll excuse me ladies, I think there’s a drink calling my name.” Boone smiled and walked back into the building. I didn’t turn back to Christy until the door closed behind him.

“What was that?” She asked, whispering just in case anyone else was in earshot.

“Nothing,” I said sharply. The last thing I needed was rumours about Boone and me sneaking around together. “What’s the problem?” She tried to hide a smile as she looked back at her clipboard. She was one of my best friends, and I knew this subject would not be dropped. We would have to talk about what happened out here.

“The auction, Betty Harris, didn’t show up tonight, so we’re down one for fundraising.” Christy was frantic. We had minimum bids for the charity auction and even one person not being here would put us in a deficit.

“Okay, here’s what we will do. I will take her place. A supper date with a benefactor won’t be that bad. It will be good PR for the school.” Closing my eyes, I nodded. It was the only way to get through the evening with no issues and making sure we got the funding we needed for the year.