My own child.

I couldn’t risk the amount of stress that fighting Opal would bring. My baby had to come first, before everyone else, including Spencer. If I tried to force myself into a place where I didn’t belong, I would end up hurting everyone I cared about.

“I’ll pack my things.” I walked away without looking back at Opal’s expression. She had gotten what she wanted. I couldn’t bear to see her gloating about it. I just needed to be gone.



Thoughts of Londonand a good bottle of wine were the only things that kept me going through a long day. It was later than I expected when I finally headed home. I sent texts to London throughout the day, letting her know I would be delayed, but received no response. I wondered if she was mad, but considering her previous support, it was more likely that she had simply misplaced her phone or forgotten to charge it. I decided to buy her some flowers as a token of apology and thanks for everything she had done.

When I entered my flat, the silence struck me. London always had some background noise, whether it was music or the TV, but I heard nothing as I closed the door behind me. The only light came from a lamp, making me wonder if she had gone to bed early.

Suddenly, I noticed someone sitting on the couch. “I was beginning to wonder if you would come back tonight,” she said.

“Grandmother? Where is London?” I asked, a feeling of unease settling in my stomach.

“I’ve made arrangements with two moving companies that have openings this weekend,” she said, standing up. “If you want to keep this flat for personal reasons, just mark the items you want to take with you, and they will leave the rest.”

“I’m moving?” I asked, trying to get an answer about London, but knowing that if I pushed, my grandmother would simply dig in her heels and refuse to give me any information.

“A baron does not live in a flat when he has a perfectly suitable home,” she said, using the same exasperated tone she used when I was a child and wanted to play with my friends instead of going over accounts with my father.

“That suitable home already has residents,” I replied, trying to control my impatience.

“Neither of those residents is currently a baroness,” she countered.

It was on the tip of my tongue to remind her that she was no longer a baroness and hadn’t been for quite some time, but I needed her information.

“I have no intention of living with my mother and sister or evicting them from their home,” I said firmly.

Grandmother’s eyes narrowed. “You swore to fulfill your duties.”

“And I will,” I replied, “but on my own terms.”

Ignoring my words, she continued, “There will be an event next Saturday evening to officially mark the transfer of the title. My top five choices for a bride will be in attendance.”

I had had enough. “Where is London?”

A scowl appeared on Grandmother’s face, but she quickly regained her composure. “That woman will no longer interfere in family affairs.”

“Excuse me?”

“I’ve taken care of it,” she said dismissively. “You don’t need to worry about it.”

“Bloody hell, I don’t!”

Her eyes widened. “Watch your language, young man. You will not speak to me in that manner.”

“Where. Is. London?”

Grandmother let out a long-suffering sigh and sat back down on the couch. “I suppose you won’t let this go until you know everything, will you?”

“Just answer the damn question.”

For the first time in my life, I saw Grandmother taken aback, whether by my language or my persistence. I wasn’t sure. Either way, she now realized that things were coming to a head between us..

“This morning, I received a phone call from Mrs. Redwine,” she began.