Page 42 of Holiday Home

At first, pained by having done such a thing, he soon discovered that there was nothing he would have rather done than that.

Avril lifted one of her voluptuous breasts from below with her hands. Never breaking eye contact with him, her lips pursed, and then, as Liam’s heart pounded a mile a minute, she began dripping saliva onto the luscious slope. Transfixed, he watched the trails of saliva spread across the upper half of her breast like rivers splitting into smaller channels.

“Do I really need to keep clearing my throat to get you to do something?” Avril asked, pausing from adding any more saliva to her breast.

Confusion initially mired him, but then he finally collected his common sense. Quickly, Liam put his hand back on her breast, collecting the saliva under his fingertips. He swiftly began lathering Avril’s breast with it, causing her to nod satisfactorily. Next, she resumed his lesson.

“Tip two: our areolae are super sensitive. So, is the nipple, but we’ll get to that. Guys never do a good job with our areolae, and they’re so fucking sensitive.” Avril made a face. “Swirl your fingers around them, and especially play with the upper part—don’t ask me why, it’s just more sensitive there.”

“Like this?” Liam asked in croaked voice as he began to lightly swirl his thumb around the stiff protrusion at the center of her breast. He traced the dark areola surrounding it, doubling back occasionally to give a bit more attention to its upper half.

Avril offered her answer with a nod and a shift in her breathing. As Liam continued to trace his thumb around her nipple, the sexy redhead letting him enjoy her body breathed in, then held the breath in her lungs for a second longer than usual. It left her lips in a quiet but poignant shudder, and her eyelashes fluttered rapidly.

“Yep, that’s… it,” Avril whispered, raking her lower lip beneath her teeth. “Now, tip three. We’ve all got different thresholds for pain and pleasure in our nipples, so you’ve got to figure it out with each woman. Generally, softer is better. Suck and kiss and swirl that tongue of yours around it lightly, and we’ll mewl and get so fucking wet by the time we’re begging you to go lower. For those who like it harder, just know that there’s only so much even they can handle before we start to chafe. Teeth are somethingsomewomen want to feel pulling on their nipples, but not all.”

“What about you?” he asked, staring at the untouched spire on her other magnificent breast. No, she wouldn’t need to clear her throat again.

“It depends on how I’m feeling on the day,” Avril said. Spotting the location his eyes were glued to, she shifted and began to drip saliva onto the breast. “Today, I’m thinking I’d rather not be sore while I kick your ass in cards.”

“Yeah, that’s not going to happen,” he said, leaning his mouth forward.

Avril grinned and arched her back, thrusting her breast to meet his lips. “We’ll see.”

Liam claimed a spot on her breast a few inches to the left of her nipple. He kissed the smooth skin, then began adding his saliva to the concoction brewing upon Avril’s breast. Every few seconds, his ears perked up, listening to the momentary pause between Avril’s inhaling and exhaling. Without her needing to say a word, he knew he was doing right.

“Good,” she still eventually said, craning forward to let him know she wanted a bit more pressure, which he gladly gave her. “Sadly, I’m not one of them, but I hear some women can cum just from breast play. Kind of wish I was one of them right now.”

Liam flicked his tongue over her nipple, the first time he’d so far touched one, and Avril bit down hard on her lip. Lust smoldered in her eyes, but he needed more than that. He didn’t plan to stop until an utter inferno roared within her.

Flicking his tongue over the hardened point a second time, he returned for a third pass, then gathered his lips around it. Gently, just as she’d couched him, he began to suck.

“Fuck, that feels good,” Avril said, closing her eyes briefly. “You can practice this part with me a lot. We don’t want you to disappoint Tess when it’s her breasts you have in front of you, do we?”

“No, of course not,” he said, glee bubbling up within the pit of his stomach with how earnest Avril’s responses were to his affection. A newfound confidence joined it.

“Don’t forget to multitask, though,” the beautiful redhead whispered, tapping his hand, which had grown still on her other breast.

Liam hastily put it back into motion, gleefully fondling her heavy breast, eliciting new deep breaths from Avril as his hand and mouth assaulted her composure. However, as his tongue swirled around her nipple as he sucked lightly, he surprised her by incorporating her earlier lesson. Pulling his mouth away from the pert protuberance, it was time to see how far his confidence could carry him.

“Your tits are so fucking sexy, Avril.” He kissed her right beside her nipple. “You’reso fucking sexy.”

A brilliant grin lit up the whole room, but she quickly tapped him on the nose.

“You only get half-points for originality; that first bit was almost exactly what I said earlier.”

“Oh, sorry,” he said playfully. “I’ll remove compliments about your tits from my vocabulary.”

“Don’t you dare,” she growled throatily, pressing her hands down tightly on his shoulders for support as he suddenly pinched and pulled her nipple. “You ass!” But she giggled and further leaned into him, prompting him to give it another short-lived tug.

Liam led his lips around her areola, kissing, licking, occasionally just letting his lips brush against the sensitive areas she’d told him about. Avril continued to gratify his efforts with soft pants and subtle hums of pleasure. She bent down and kissed him on the crown of his head, wrapping her arms around his neck, keeping his face pinned against her breast for nearly a minute.

“Ah, what time is it?” she asked, nearly thirty minutes since her shirt and bra had come off. He’d swapped his mouth to her other nipple a while ago and then swapped backagainjust a few minutes ago. His hand never left the other breast unattended, however.

“Here,” he said, dropping his available hand from the small of her back to dig inside his pocket. Once his phone was out, he handed it over to her, which let him keep attending to her enticing breasts.

He received the worst news of the day mere moments later

“Damn, it’s time to bring your lesson to a close.”