Page 41 of Holiday Home

With a herculean effort, Liam tore his gaze away from Avril’s breasts. “Which is?”

“One fucking sexy ass woman just straddled you, stripped, and then fished for compliments about her tits, all while they’re hovering less than a foot away from you. Why in the hell haven’t you started touching them yet, hmm? Are you waiting for a signed permit to show up by mail?”

“I, uh—are you sure?” The words tumbled from his mouth, his gaze reattaching to her spectacular breasts.

Two fingers slipped beneath his chin, and they forced his gaze back to a pair of scintillating green eyes. “Has anything I’ve done since we met made you think I’m indecisive?” She paused for effect, and his silence was just that. “Assuming things work out for you, everything we’re doing is stuff you’ll get to do to Tess. Would you rather fumble around in the dark when that time comes?” Another pause. “Or would you like to know exactly how to make her toes curl, and her jaw quiver, no matter where you touch or kiss her?”

“Definitely the latter,” he admitted.

He wantedexactlywhat Avril was suggesting. Trepidation had acted as hot coals under his feet since Avril’s initial offer, even following their previous lustful interaction in this very apartment, on this very couch. Euphoric as it was, a needle of wrongness had stabbed him in the heel each time he took a step forward with Avril.

He was supposed to be trying to date Anna, but he ultimately wanted to end up with Tess. Avril had sweetened the deal with promises that she’d guide him into the kind of man who could land a mature, kind, and incomprehensibly beautiful woman like Tess. But he wasn’tactuallydating Anna, even though he’d agreed to pretend, so he wasn’t really upholding their bargain. However, that had freed him of some of his unease about his intimacy with Anna’s best friend and roommate. Because if they weren’t dating, he didn’t need to feel quite so bad about the fact that a woman completely left out of the equation of his romantic goals was now straddling him while topless.

It was a whole mess of a situation, but he still finally achieved a tangible level of calm. Hewasn’tdating anyone. If Avril wanted to do stuff like this, if she was okay with this brand of teaching, why shouldn’t he be? His body certainly was; it radiated heat like a furnace because of how fast his heart currently sprinted in his chest.

Finally, his mind aligned itself with the desires thrumming through his veins.

Liam uncurled his fists. His right hand went up first, and Avril’s smile grew. Her eyes tracked his hand right up until he set it upon her breast, and then she put them back on his expression.

Avril Knight exuded the kind of raw, unbridled sexiness that could melt a man from the inside. She could probably have anyone she wanted; she just needed to stride over and let her confidence, wit, and beauty reel them in. Regardless of why she was using those three things on him, even if she wasn’tthatkind of interested in him, there was a certain poignant bliss blossoming in his chest all the same.

“First time?” Avril asked, lips curling mirthfully as he softly contacted her full breast.

“No!” he immediately retorted.

“So… second time?”


He was fortunate she didn’t up the count by just one more, or she would have landed right on the money. When it came to the fairer sex, Liam wasn’t a complete beginner, but he was far from an expert. He’d had a few girlfriends, one who’d lasted through most of high school. And he’d briefly talked to a girl in his first semester of college, gone a couple of bases with her, but then time commitments had caused their relationship to fizzle out.

“Well, I’m going to assume you’re a little newbie at this until you show me otherwise. So, first lesson.” She laid her hand on the back of his palm. “Don’t ever slap a woman’s tits. It doesn’t feel good. Most of the time, gentle is best.” With her hand on his, she began to press his fingers gently onto the voluptuous object in his grasp. “Got it?”

He nodded, focusing on the soft flesh underneath his fingertips, which felt burning hot during their lesson. Avril kept smiling at every minute reaction he must have provided while enthralled by the sultry scene unfolding before him.

“Nice, aren’t they? Usually, walking up to a woman and telling her how nice her tits are is liable to get a drink thrown in your face, but that all goes out the window once you actually have her like this. That’s the time to lay it on thick how fucking hot she is.”

Liam nodded again, swallowing dryly. He didn’t even want to blink, knowing he’d lose precious milliseconds staring at Avril’s bared chest.

Unexpectedly, Avril cleared her throat, and Liam nearly started. Yanking his gaze away from her breasts as if chains kept them stuck there, he found the sexy redhead’s mouth pulled mirthfully but expectantly to one side.

“Now’sthe time to lay it on thick how fucking hotIam,” she said, a smile breaking out on her face. “You’re supposed to be practicing, remember?”

“Oh, s-sorry,” he stammered, throat as arid as a desert as he swallowed a second time. Next, his mind suffered its own stammering, practically grinding entirely to a halt. What was he supposed to say? Every potentially salacious thought that popped up in his mind left him feeling like he’d sound like a complete fool if he released them into the world.

Fortunately, though he knew she was enjoying his flummoxed state, she offered him an olive branch.

Leaning forward, her breast mashed itself against his hand, and he felt an enticing protrusion in the middle of his palm. Avril’s eyes glinted moments before she placed her lips against his ear.

“Avril,” she whispered huskily, every word positively dripping with seductive desire, “you have the sexiest tits I’ve ever seen. Fuck, I just want to play with them every damn day.” She withdrew her tempting lips from his ear, then grinned at him once she’d sat back up. “It’s not even about what you say so much ashowyou say it. Cheesy as fuck lines work if they’re heartfelt enough. So does just outright admitting how badly you want something. Got it?”

Finding his words stuck in the dry pit of his throat, Liam just nodded. Avril lifted his other hand from the couch and placed it over her other breast, remaining amused by his stupefaction.

“Confidence carries a long way. Remember that, too. Now, next lesson. What feels good for a woman when you have her tits in your hands?” She rolled her eyes at some unseen collective of hopeless men. “Yeah, there are our nipples, but it’s notjustthem, okay?”

She nodded downward with her eyes, and his gaze followed them to where his hands cupped her breasts.

“Tip one: wetter is better. Saliva, lube, massage oil—hell—yes. Our whole breasts are sensitive, and wetness helps when you’re kneading, kissing, or sucking.” She flicked his wrists from beneath, and Liam instinctively let go of her breasts.