Page 43 of Holiday Home


Avril nodded, patting him on the shoulders, which signaled him to release her breasts from his control. He grimaced internally, though the throbbing that had sat within his cock for far too long was anything but phantasmal.

Noticing his discomfort, she lowered her mouth until it sat in front of his, and then she convinced him to bare it a little longer with a few simple words.

“Don’t worry. You treated my breasts right, so I’ll treat your cock right in a little while.”

She flashed a smile, then plunged her mouth against his. He didn’t realize until much, much later that this was their first kiss. With everything they’d done already, it was an amusing realization.

However, for the fifteen seconds their lips remained connected, heat, passion, and maybe a little bit of growing permanent affection claimed his full attention.

Chapter Eighteen

Faking It

It was a good thing that Avril hopped off his lap and gave him a few minutes to soothe his libido while she tethered her bra and threw her shirt back on—though he claimed a quick kiss on her bare shoulder once she sat back down next to him. When Anna walked in ten minutes later, sighing again about the door being left unlocked, he’d mostly settled down. Mostly.

“It’s not my fault this time!” Avril protested. “Victoria came over here early, but then she left again, so she’s totally at fault.”

“And how exactly is she supposed to lockourdoor?” Anna asked moments before reappearing. “She doesn’t have a key.” When she entered the room, numerous bags of groceries in her hand, she replaced her exasperation with a polite smile. “Hello, Liam. Thank you for coming.”

“Thanks for having me,” he replied. “Do you need any help with the bags?”

“No, I’m fine, but thank you for asking. This is all of it.”

Beside him, Avril groaned. “Listen to you two, talking like we’re at a formal dinner or something. ‘Thank you for coming.’ ‘Thank you for having me.’ You two are supposed to bat eyelashes and flirt, not act like foreign dignitaries from opposing countries meeting on neutral ground.”

Some color spread over Anna’s face. “Not everyone acts like you do, Avril. Some of us are just naturally polite.”

“Naturally dull, more like,” her redheaded roommate continued. She nudged him in the ribs. “Go on, give her a compliment. Like I taught you.”

This time, it was his turn for color to submerge his face in crimson. However, Anna quickly stepped in, thankfully unaware and unsuspicious of the precise reason why a simple phrase of ‘like I taught you’ had smashed his face with so much redness.

“If I wanted a leering compliment, I would go to one of those clubs you like,” Anna said, pouty lips so damnably full as they formed a frown.

Avril gasped with affront. “Wow! That hurts, Anna. I was telling him he should say something nice about your hair or eyes when you walk in. It’s way too early in your all’s relationship for him to start gushing about how nice your breasts are or how tasty your lips look! Especially in front of your roommate. Tsk, tsk.”

Scarlet scraped its way all the way to the dark roots of Anna’s hair. Her breasts, she hid by turning away and lifting her grocery bags, glaring at her roommate for bringing them up, though there was nothing she could do to hide her utterly perfect lips besides flee the scene, which she didn’t do.

“I swear, Avril, you just love tormenting me,” Anna said grumpily.

“Have you only just figured that out? Ilivefor your reactions, Miss Royce. Now, Liam, stop clamming up and give her that compliment.”

Sighing exasperatedly, Anna headed into the apartment’s kitchen while shaking her head. Both couch-goers watched her depart, but one was quicker on the draw to speak once she was out of earshot.

“No, but seriously, go give her a compliment,” Avril said quietly, already pushing him off the couch. “Even if she acts like a damn nun from the fifties, she’s not a complete lost cause. She’ll like hearing you think she looks nice.”

Liam knew Avril was working off false information, though he didn’t know precisely what Anna had told her roommate about their ongoing relationship. He did, however, know what they’d discussed at the ice-skating rink, so he was pretty confident a compliment from him wouldn’t mean much more than if Tess or Victoria delivered it once they arrived.

But it was better to play along than do something that might garner suspicion. Rising from the couch with a nod, Avril threw him a thumbs-up and then threw the TV on, turning it up loud enough that there’d be little chance of eavesdropping.

Heading into the adjoining kitchen nearly as large as his, he wasn’t surprised to find it immaculately clean and orderly. Next to the refrigerator, Anna was currently refilling their spice cabinet with a couple of replacements she’d picked up during her shopping. He noticed a couple of grocery bags sitting on a round oak table in the dining room. Stuff for the game night?

“Anything I can help with?” he asked, making his presence known before traveling too much further inside.

Anna’s mint-green eyes glanced his way. “No, I’ve put away almost everything that needs put away, but thank you.”

Liam couldn’t help but smile. “Avril might be a little bit right. I think we really do sound a bit stiff around each other.”