Page 59 of Playing it Country

“Promise,” she says as she takes the ring from his hand, and I lead him into the back after he accepts the glass of champagne Fallon offers him.

He shifts on his feet as I move things around the space until they’re where I need them.

“This isn’t weird, right? Like, I don’t need pictures of myself half-naked but-”

“Everett will definitely love getting to see you half-naked.” He chuckles and his shoulders relax the slightest bit. “And you can just have them made into a book if you want to keep it more intimate. I mean, if you want a big canvas of you stretched out on this couch then by all means,” I tease and he laughs before sinking onto said couch.

“You’re right.”

“I never get tired of hearing that.”

He laughs again and then he’s posing this way and that with little to no instruction. He’s more conservative than I initially thought, but I was able to convince him to do couple of underwear shots even though he was rocking the unbuttoned jeans look like a dream.

When we’ve finished in the studio, we help clean up the last little bit and then Hayden leads me out to his car. We talk on the way to where Rhea and Sorren are waiting for us and once again, I’m startled by how natural all of this feels—it’seasy. Today has been incredible and there hasn’t been a single thing I would change.

We pull up to the field, and Hayden’s face lights up as Everett’s truck comes into view.

“He’s going to lose his mind when he sees these pictures,” Hayden says with the most excitement I’ve seen from him all day.

“Well then, let’s go make your husband-to-be an extra happy man.”

He laughs as we both get out of the car. Sorren and Rhea hang back as Hayden and I work some relatively PG magic. The images are classic and sexy in a way that’s still modest and beautiful.

After taking the final shot, Hayden puts his shirt back on and then pulls me into a hug. “Thank you so much for doing this. I was so nervous and I second-guessed myself a million and one times, but I’m so happy I did it.”

“I’m glad. That means so much, and thank you for saying that.”

“You made me feel so comfortable, and while I know it wasn’t as scandalous as the girls”—he winks at Rhea who just rolls her eyes—“it’s something I’ve never done before and I can’t wait to see the look on Ev’s face when he sees the pictures.”

“He’s going to lose his mind, that’s for sure.” I smile and he pulls me in for one more hug before we get back in his car and follow Sorren and Rhea back to his house.



After dropping off the truck, Rhea convinced me to grab a drink at the Tap and Table. Sorren let us out in front of the bar and said he’d be back in a little while to pick us up. The weird energy vibrating between them had my gaze constantly bouncing from Sorren to Rhea looking for some clue as to their status.

“You looked happy behind the camera today,” Rhea says, and I know it’s more of a distraction as we sit down at the bar. Rowan is working, and we exchange pleasantries before placing our drink order.

I take a sip, savor the sweetness of my Bellini, and nod before answering, “Iwashappy.”

“I thought you did this for work? Like actually loved your job?”

“I’ve been doing freelance photography assignments lately, but a lot of times it feels like I’m just going through the motions. The places and people and scenery are gorgeous and vibrant and can be truly soul-altering, but it’s not the same as when you’re capturing it for yourself.”

“Like when I’m pushing out fifty thousand cookies for a holiday party and I’m thankful for the business but if I have to frost one more ornament I’ll scream?”

I throw my head back and laugh because Rhea completely gets it. “Exactly like that.” I take another sip of my drink then say, “It’s hard to explain to someone that you love what you’re doing but also feel like it’s sucking your passion from you at the same time.”

“Being your own boss is hard. I love what I do but it’s exhausting, and people depend on me and I love that, but it’s also a lot.”

“When was the last timeyoutook a break?”

Rhea tilts her head back to look at the ceiling like she’s actually trying to figure out the answer. “I actually have no idea.” My eyes widen and she continues, “I mean I take days off here and there but where am I going to go? I still think about work when I’m not at work.”

“You need to get laid.”

“Don’t I know it,” she grumbles and I smirk.