“I know for sure that a certain dark and broody someone is totally willing to help with your situation.”
“First of all,” she says as she takes a gulp of her Sangria, “I do not have a situation. Second,”—I grin because I know what’s coming—“Sorren and I are just friends.”
“I have been around you guys for, like, thirty seconds and there is nothingfriendlyabout the tension bouncing off the both of you.”
“It’s just how we are.” Her expression is nonchalant but her tone is…sad—defeated maybe—and my chest squeezes at the thought.
Taking her hand in mine I hold it tight and say, “It’s going to work out just like it should for you.”
“That’s what I keep tellin’ myself. I’m a catch.” She laughs and I hold up my glass.
“Damn straight you are.” We cheers and then drink and before long, Rhea has nailed down the date, theme, and menu for the housewarming party I don’t need but that she insists I do anyway.
“So what do you think?” she says expectantly.
“I’ll check with Case and make sure but”—I wince because I’ve already accepted my fate—“ it sounds like it might be fun?”
Rhea laughs at the way I phrase the last part as a question even though I know it will be a good time. The Thayers always seem to be a good time which I still can’t get used to—mainly because I like it.
“Excuse me, Hannah?” the bartender asks with a nervous look on her face. “I’m so sorry to interrupt.”
“It’s fine, Rowan, what’s up?”
“My daughter is sick and I have to go relieve the babysitter, and I can’t get ahold of anyone else…”
I look at the clock and wave her off as I move to stand. “Go home. I’ll take care of it.”
“Are you sure? I’m so sorry. I never do this and I know you’re here and—”
“It’s not a problem. I’ve only had one drink and it’s almost closing time anyway.” I say the words as Sorren walks in the bar and every head turns to look at him. The man is a looker, that’s for sure. He stands next to Rhea and leans against the bar as he looks at me.
“What’s going on?”
“Rowan has to leave so I’m just going to finish up and close. Her daughter is sick, so I’m happy to do it.”
He nods. “We’ll wait for you.”
“Oh, it’s fine.” I wave him off. “You guys can head out. I’ll call Case to come get me.”
“Are you sure?” Rhea asks. “It’s really no trouble.” She looks to Sorren for confirmation and he nods. He’s not touching her but his demeanor screams back off to anyone in the vicinity. Honestly, I’d be scared for any poor sap who tried to talk to Rhea with Sorren within earshot.
It’s perfectly swoon-worthy from this side of the bar. Taking out my phone, I send a quick text to Case and pray that he answers.
HANNAH: Will you come get me from the Tap?
CASE: You grab drinks with the girls?
HANNAH: Rhea and I did but Rowan’s daughter is sick and she had to leave and I’m closing.
CASE: Do you want me to come now?
HANNAH: Yeah, I don’t think Sorren is going to leave until he knows you’re coming.
HANNAH: I’d let him drop me off but your sister is dead on her feet
CASE: She works so damn hard all the time
CASE: Be there soon