Her baby bump is more noticeable like this, and I convince her to take a couple of photos to accentuate it before letting her grab her robe again.
“Have you thought about doing a maternity shoot?”
She bites her bottom lip and then nods. “I think I’d like to do one with Hank and then maybe get a couple of photos with my dad and then a couple just for me.”
“I haven’t done them before, but I’ve seen the milk baths and I think you’d look gorgeous doing that.”
She rests her hand on her stomach before looking at me. “Would you do it?”
“The photos. Would you do them for me?”
We stare at each other for a minute, and I hate the trust plainly visible in her eyes. Isla is on all the time and a complete girl boss but there’s vulnerability attached to this request, so I try to be as gentle as I can when I reply.
“If I’m still here I’d be honored to do them. If I’m gone, I promise to make sure I find someone that you’ll be comfortable with before I leave.”
“I hope you’ll stay.”
I smile but don’t respond because I won’t make a promise I can’t keep.
Not after the Zoom meeting this morning.
I didn’t even have time to talk to Case before I had to change and rush over here to get ready. I hate wondering if we’re okay, but I don’t want to text him to ask. Taking a deep breath, I push away the nerves and focus on the gorgeous group of women gathered today.
The rest of the afternoon flies by as each of them surprises me in some way in front of the lens, and I work hard to showcase their personality in each shot. It’s been a while since I’ve been challenged creatively like this and it feels good—natural.
More than anything, each of them leaves the studio feeling empowered. They’re confident and sexy in their own right but seeing them come alive before me in a way that’s so raw—it’s intoxicating and I’m humbled to be a part of it.
I’m just about to pack up when the bell above the door rings and we all look over to see Hayden step inside. His nervous smile is completely at odds with the gregarious man I’ve come to know.
“Hayden, how are you?” Marlee asks as she gets up and walks over to give him a hug. When she releases him, she takes his hand and brings him over to where we’ve been chatting and snacking.
“I’m good.” His gaze flicks to mine and he squares his shoulders as he asks, “I might have heard you’re doing boudoir shoots, and I was wondering if you’d do one for me. Is that weird? I thought Everett might like some pictures but then I got here and—"
“Of course it’s not weird,” I say. “He’s a mechanic, right?”
“You don’t have an old truck sitting around, do you?”
“Who doesn’t?” he says and the girls all laugh. I just stare at him expectantly. “Yes. Ev has a truck, and, Lord help me, I have no idea how to drive it. It’s in the garage.”
“Sorren can drive it somewhere. Let all the married folk get home,” Rhea teases and Hayden holds up his left hand.
“Almost married.”
She sticks her tongue out at him and he blows her a kiss.
“Okay, let’s take a few shots here and then we’ll clean up. Rhea, if you can call Sorren and have him move the truck to that field where Otto almost broke his arm and—”
Wide eyes meet mine when I realize the room has gone silent. Rhea’s mouth forms a little O, Isla is smirking, Cheyenne is hiding her smile behind her glass, Marlee is chuckling, and Fallon has the slightest frown on her face.
“I forgot about that,” Marlee says and Rhea nods.
“Me too.” She turns to Hayden. “Give me your keys and I’ll have him move it.”
“He knows what he’s doin’, right? Ev would kill me if anything ever happened to that thing.”