Page 61 of Playing it Country

HANNAH: (kiss face emoji)

“He’s on his way,”I say, startling Rhea from the silent conversation she was having with the guy she doesn’t believe is interested in her.

“That’s good.” Sorren’s gaze flicks to me and then across the bar. Without asking, I grab a glass and fill it with root beer and slide it in front of him. “Thanks.”

“You ever put vanilla ice cream in there?” I ask, trying to ease the tension as I pretend to look into his still full glass.

“I—” He frowns. “No.”

“Really?” Rhea asks. “We should make some at my house. I think I have vanilla ice cream.”

“You have like rocky chip dip or some other nonsense flavor. We’ll stop.”

She smirks. “How do you know that?”

“I had to pick up groceries last week because you only had crackers, peanut butter, and a couple of cans of corn. That’s not food.”

She gasps and I can’t tell if it’s real or not but I’m totally here for it. “I do not,” she says, the words laced with indignation. “I work a lot, and sometimes Hank drops off leftovers or I’ll swing by Mama’s.”

I can tell Sorren wants to roll his eyes but refrains. There’s a slight twitch to his lips as hers turn down in a cute little pout.

“I have food,” she insists.

“Do you though?” I ask and it’s purely to stir the pot.

“She never does,” Case says, catching the tail end of our conversation, as he walks up to the bar and claps Sorren on the back.

“Seriously, what is with y’all ganging up on me? Do I not give you extra coffee and snacks when you come in?”

“You gave him an oatmeal raisin cookie not long ago,” Case deadpans and Rhea glares.

“He deserved it.”

“Doesn’t change the fact that you don’t have any food.”

Sorren grins the slightest bit andwow.The man is seriously good looking. Case narrows his eyes at me and I widen mine innocently.

“You ready?” Sorren asks as he throws some money on the bar. Rhea nods before glaring at him.

“You didn’t have to do that.”

“Yeah well…” He trails off and steps back, allowing her to hop down from the stool and stand toe to toe with him. I love their dynamic and the total lack of fucks Rhea has for his personal space.

“You know I hate when you do that.” His lips twitch again and she glares harder.

“I know.”

“Play nice now,” Case says as he pulls his sister in for a hug.

“He’s doin’ it just to aggravate me.” The words are muffled against Case’s chest, but I look at Sorren and he gives the slightest shrug. I press my lips into a thin line to keep from laughing.

“I think he does it because he’s a gentleman and likes doin’ something nice for hisfriend.”

No one within a block’s radius of the bar could mistake Case’s disbelieving tone on the wordfriend.Both his sister and Sorren choose to ignore him. Rhea promises to text me and then they’re walking toward the door in another silent standoff.

“So,” I ask Case as he settles onto the vacated barstool, “how long until they start dating?”

He shakes his head. “Honestly, I have no idea. They bounce back and forth between that”—he hitches his thumb toward the door—“and being completely platonic. Like I wouldn’t go so far as to say he treats her like a sister, but it’s definitely not romantic, let’s get naked vibes either.”