Page 43 of Deadly Star

“Oh, no. You can’t have her.” Heboren’s voice was loud in the silence.

There was a query in her thoughts without words.

Heboren pulled her away from the tree and turned her around. She looked at him in confusion. “It’s so calm.”

He smiled and caressed her jaw. “I know. It likes you.”

“What is it?” She stared up at him and tried to see the answer in his expression.

“The life form that makes folk on Hebor psychic. I brought it here when I took over this sector to smooth things between the two species. The nasat live in its branches and keep it healthy. I was surprised when they brought you here, but I wanted to see how it would go.”

“Wait. The tree has that effect?” Nova managed to focus on him. He was shadow, and the world around him was so bright. It made her smile.

“It and all of its children. Sacred groves are everywhere on the surface. The roots of these trees touch every water supply on the planet.”

She frowned. “What happens to me? I am not one of the Hebor species.”

“Well, the tree has had direct contact with you. It will help you grow the structures you need to develop the skills of the average Hebor. Just so you are aware, not all of the population can use their minds for communication. It is twenty to thirty percent in any generation. The skill is very handy on a ship where reliable communication is essential.” His fingers stroked her neck. “My contribution to your body will not allow any darker side effects.”

Nova blinked. “I suppose so. So, do the other people have the ability to keep folks out?”

“They do. They just can’t speak by mind alone.”

He watched her, and she felt the prickles in her mind and a cool relief. “The tree did not do any damage. So, shall we continue our tour, or would you rather rest?”

She stared at him. “How long have we been here?”

“Two hours. Hekora will have your meal soon.”

Nova blinked. “Right. Rest then. Please.”

He grinned and made a clicking sound, sending nasat onto trees and deeper into the woods. Heboren lifted her and carried her back to a clearing. She settled her head on his shoulder. He crouched and launched upward again, his wings pushing them up with heavy strokes that turned into gliding beats. They rose above the forest canopy and headed back home.

Nova thought of the nasat, and the chittering skittered through her mind. She looked at Heboren, “Did you hear that?”

He nodded. “I did. It seems that they liked you. They don’t often see creatures that look so close to themselves. They are very excited to see you.”

“Yeah, they do look like imps of myth and legend.” She chuckled. “Aside from them not having little clothes. Most cultures from Earth didn’t have completely nude deities and magical beings.”

“You are going to hate some of the solstice parties.”

She glanced at him in concern. “You are joking.”

“Nope. Naked. And if I am here, I have to attend, which means you have to attend.”

She blushed. “Oh, boy.”

“The other Terrans will be required to attend as well if that gives you comfort.”

“Oh, those young ladies that were prancing around the ship?”

“Yes, and the others that were already on the way. They have been travelling via transport drop ship and should be here tomorrow.”


“Yes. Support staff, medics, and counsellors to help those who have been brought here as mates.”
