Page 42 of Deadly Star

She sat on Heboren and ate as quickly and neatly as she could. She consumed the beverages and finished the last berry. Nova sighed. “That was helpful.”

Heboren wrapped his arms around her and squeezed. “So, Nova. Do you want to go flying?”

Excitement gripped her. “Really?”

“Really.” He set her on her feet and stood up. “Hekora, I am going to show my consort the beauties of Hebor.”

Hekora looked at them, and Nova felt shy when he took her hand and bent to kiss it. There were soft chuckles from around the room.

“Sir, when will you return for her fittings and grooming?”

“Give us four hours. She will be back by then.”

“Yes, Overseer. Lady, have fun.” Hekora grinned and took the tray away.

Nova smiled and followed Heboren as he led her back down the hall and up the stairs, past his quarters, and back to the roof. When the outside air hit her, she inhaled deeply. There were growing things on this world. That was a luxury that she hadn’t caught the scent of in years.

Heboren lifted her in his arms, and she remained calm as he launched them from the top of the building and began to gain altitude slowly. He showed her the ruins of an ancient city. “This is a Recanth city. It was emptied when I arrived. The Havorth city over the hill was emptied as well. We made the capitol, and one by one, the cities were blended, communities were created, and the world was at peace.”

“But they can’t interbreed.”

“No, they can’t. But, with a few of your people bridging the gap, we may have a way to mix and match. Until the Hebor are one population, or can at least breed when a suitable mate is found, there will still be tension.”

“So, that is your long game?”

“Yes. If your species can be a bridge, then in a century or two, the Hebor will be one species.” He circled the city and then gained altitude again to continue their exploration.

The Havorth city was more rustic but about the same size. The houses were closer to family units. She thought about it, and the Recanth city had been spaced apart. She smiled. Cats and dogs.

He flew them into a forested area and settled them on the moss and grass. “I have something I wish to show you.”

She felt a soft amusement in his mind, and she walked a few steps away from him, stretching and enjoying the scent of the woods. The living, flourishing woods.

“Oh, I have missed this.” She touched the trees and felt the hum of sap inside them. She hadn’t realized that it was something that could be heard and felt until the Earth went silent. Nova closed her eyes and pressed her forehead to the tree. She ignored the tears that tracked down her cheeks. In all of her imaginings, she had lost the ability to see a live world in her mind.

A soft rustle deep in the trees and undergrowth paused her crying jag. Small pastel creatures approached her carefully and started chittering at her. She looked at the monkey faces and smiled. “You brought me to meet nasat.”

Heboren sighed. “I brought you to meet Hebor. The nasat are part of it. They certainly like you.”

Tiny, thin hands patted her legs, and the soft noises they were making soothed her. She felt a touch on her mind.

“I thought you were blocking for me, Heboren,” she spoke softly.

“With bipeds, yes. The nasat are all elemental curiosity. If you can keep them out on your own, you are in good shape.”

She blinked and slowly lifted her hand to one of the small pastel creatures. There was a curious noise, and it looked at her with wide eyes. Nova looked back. It made a cute noise and rushed up her arm, playing with her hair a moment later. It draped the hair around it and rubbed its small face in it. Nova felt the glee and unadulterated joy in the beast.

She smiled and shared her joy at the forest. The nasat squealed in excitement, and the one on her shoulder tried to coax her into the woods.

Nova laughed and looked down at the creatures on her legs. The push to walk into the woods was incredible.

Heboren chuckled. “You can go with them.”

The beasts giggled and pulled her into the woods. They were wingless fairies. They pulled her to a giant tree that had to be ten feet wide. She was pushed against the tree, and the giggles went silent.

Peace wrapped around her. She touched the bark, ran her hands in the grooves, and breathed slowly against the tree. Nova’s soul settled, and she closed her eyes. She had heard the term serenity before, but now she understood it. It was wrapped around her. The tree was ancient, and it was alive and thinking. The thoughts were slow, but they were just what she needed.

She had the feeling of a tree blooming in her mind. She giggled as she felt leaves unfurling in her thoughts.