Page 44 of Deadly Star

“Obstetrics specialists.”

“Oh, oh!” She caught the implication.

“Yes, they will work with the Hebor physicians to make sure that any hybrids are brought into the world safely.”

“Well, thank you for thinking of it. It isn’t a comfortable event, though most enjoy the result.” She smiled.

“You won’t be in pain if you are worried.”

Nova tried not to think about it, but the thought of a little charcoal-coloured baby with gold eyes kept creeping into her thoughts.

Heboren had a very soft expression as he looked at her, and their flight back to the pyramid was nice and slow.

* * * *

Heboren returned to his office after his tired and fed consort curled up in his bed.

Hekora looked at him. “Overseer, your consort looks different.”

“I took her to the trees and introduced her to the nasat.” He grinned. “The cute little beasts had been very interested in her. He chuckled. They wanted to keep her, but they were out of luck.”

“They... was she all right?”

“Of course. They climbed all over her and took her to the tree. The tree greeted her and got along with her very well. It was entertaining to watch.”

Hekora blinked. “They... were friendly to her?”

“Indeed. It is usually an honour given to the strongest minds, but Nova has won them over.” He smiled. “The tree was eager to know her as well.”

She laughed then paused. “Wait. You are serious?”

“I am.”

She shivered. “That is... unusual.”

Heboren chuckled. “My consort is unusual. She will do anything to survive, and that is a trait I have a fondness for.”

Hekora nodded. “So, the trees and nasat...”

“Accepted her without hesitation. Please make the knowledge common. I want her transition here to be as easy as possible.”

“Of course, Overseer. She does seem to suit you. You look pleased.”

He nodded. “This is what hope looks like, Hekora.”

His housekeeper grinned. “It looks good on you.”

He closed his eyes and checked on Nova. “It feels good. I will have to purchase some fliers and a sprinter for her. She needs to feel like the whole world is at her disposal.”

Hekora frowned. “What if she gets lost?”

He opened his eyes and grinned. “I will find her.”

Chapter Ten

Lily sat up with a jolt, and thickly muscled arms pulled her back against Nebel.

“Hello, precious. We are home. You have slept four more days, but the process is complete. I am proud of you.” He kissed her cheek. “Ready to see Bellen?”