“Don’t send me away from you,” Cassia pleaded. “Never again.”
Solia didn’t waver. “Lives depend on you doing as I ask.”
Lio touched Cassia’s arm. “Protecting the innocent is a worthy duty for Hesperine diplomats.”
Her aura shook with her inner debate. But he felt her push down her fear, and her inner determination shone like adamas. “Yes. We will be their Sanctuary tonight.”
“I can step everyone to safety,” Lio said, “but with only one Hesperine, it will take time.”
Cassia nodded. “We’ll need somewhere for them to hide while you take them in groups. Let’s bring them into the Lustra passageways. We’ll use the portal in the great hall.”
“Stay safe until the Charge gets here,” Lyros told them. “Do you understand? Bodyguard’s orders.”
“We will be in the most secure parts of the castle—the inner keep and the passageways.” Lio embraced his Trial brother. “You’re the one who’s facing magefire.”
“This is what I trained for.” Lyros gave Lio a Mak-worthy hug, then set Lio away from him.
“Wish us luck,” said Eudias. “I’ve never fried catapults with lightning magic before.”
“May your aim be true,” Lio said, “and may you enjoy your poetic justice.”
Eudias grinned. “I will.”
“My Queen,” said Lord Hadrian, “you must get down from the walls as well.”
“I entrust our siege defenses to you.” She fixed Flavian with a gaze. “I trust Segetia’s soldiers will not hesitate to take orders from Hadria?”
“I will stand at Lord Hadrian’s side,” Flavian said, “and see to it that every man heeds his combat experience.”
Lord Hadrian offered Flavian his hand. “We are all Tenebrans tonight.”
Solia nodded her approval. “Lio, take Kella and me with you and Cassia.”
As soon as Lio stepped the four of them down to the great hall, Solia and Kella began issuing orders like the commanders they were. Whenever one of the lords dared hesitated to heed the women, Lord Deverran and Lord Gaius encouraged obedience, and not gently. Soon the greatest warriors of Tenebra were deploying throughout the castra.
Sabina met Cassia and Lio with her handmaidens and Solia’s ladies at her side. “What can we do?”
Perita had her son strapped to her chest and her sleeves rolled up. “We’re ready for anything King Throneless tries to throw at us.”
Callen stood beside her, his sword drawn. “Lord Hadrian has charged me with the defense of the great hall.”
Lio clasped Callen’s arm. “We will not allow any harm to befall our ladies.”
Cassia pulled out the Changing Queen’s pendant. “We must bring everyone who cannot fight here to the great hall. I have an artifact that will open secret passageways through the castle. They’ll give us shelter from the siege engines while Lio steps everyone to safety in groups.”
Sabina did not ask questions. “I’ll clear the north wing. Nivalis and Valentia, take east and south, please. Genie, will you take the west and help Sir Benedict with the people he brought in from the camp?”
Lio cast his senses throughout the keep, sifting through the crowd of presences to bring these four ladies into focus. “If any of you encounter danger, focus your thoughts on your need. I will sense your distress call and step to you.”
Genie gave him her curving smile. “The hens are in safe hands tonight.”
Lio prayed she was right, and Pakhne would be the last one lost on his watch.
Ariadne joined them and gestured to where some of the guards were moving chairs for the Semna. “We’re setting up our infirmary here.”
“Good,” Lio said. “Once Cassia and I finish evacuating everyone, we can help bring the wounded here. After the Charge arrives, they will place wards on the great hall, and the Hesperine healers will assist you.”
“Where do you want me, my lady?” asked Perita.