Lio’s hand rested on her lower back, his presence even closer. She did not have to face this alone.
“Daughters,” Lucis called up, “it is not too late for forgiveness. Return and swear your fealty to me once more, and I will pardon all those who were complicit in this treason. All within Patria will be spared.”
What a laughable display for his Cordian allies. Cassia and Solia knew better than to believe his claims of clemency.
“Lord Lucis.” Solia’s tone was pure steel. “There are no traitors here. In accordance with the Free Charter, the Full Council of Free Lords has revoked their mandate from you.”
“We stand united.” Lord Hadrian’s voice rang out over the battlements. “We no longer need a tyrant to stay our feuds. We have pledged ourselves to a strong and just monarch.”
“You will be put on trial for your crimes,” Solia declared. “Conspiring with Cordium against your own kingdom, the attempted assassination of the Council, the murder of Prisma Thalia, and countless other atrocities you have committed. I am your queen, and you will not be spared.”
“Foolish girl,” Lucis spat, his veneer of composure draining away. “I have held my throne against every man. I have buried every woman who dared call herself queen during my reign. How dare you presume to wield my power?”
“It is not your power any longer,” Solia said.
“Such brave words,” Lucis sneered, “but in truth, you are a frightened little bitch. You always were, just like your mother, cowering from me and staying out of my way. You’ve always known to fear your father.”
“Now I know there are far more frightening things in this world. They fell before me. And so will you.”
“Clearly, you need a new lesson in obedience. Has your sister been filling your ears with tales of her rebellion?” The king’s attention fixed on Cassia. “You have not escaped me.”
His empty taunts were a weak echo of her past. But this last declaration sent a chill down her spine. As if he knew something she did not.
She recalled the Collector’s words to Lio. Do not imagine she is bound to you more deeply than she is to me.
Lio must have been thinking of the same, for his hand tightened, and he moved closer to her.
“I have escaped you.” Cassia held her medallion. “The Queens of Orthros have given me Sanctuary and placed me beyond your power.”
“The heretics will face punishment as well.” Lucis drew his sword and raised it above his head. “I, the rightful King of Tenebra, and my allies, the Divine Mage Orders of Cordium, declare war on the rebels who threaten this land, and upon every Hesperine within the borders of this kingdom.”
Mind magic made Lio’s voice carry. “Orthros does not march to war. But Hespera’s own will defend innocent mortals from the wrath of Anthros, as we always have.”
“My campaign against you will not end as the Last War did,” Lucis warned. “Unlike the Mage King, I will not allow Tenebra’s enemies to flee. When I am finished, even immortals will cower before my might.”
The Aithourians swiftly raised their hands. A torrent of magefire raced up toward the ramparts with a terrible roar. But the scent of blood magic filled the night, emanating from Lyros. The fire spells broke against a wall of shadows.
When Cassia’s vision cleared, she saw the engineers loading the trebuchets. Their missiles burned with latent magefire.
On Lio and Cassia’s watch, negotiations were at an end. The war had begun.
Ancient history was repeating itself before Lio’s eyes. He knew how his uncle had felt sixteen hundred years ago, standing on the walls of his condemned temple. As the armies of Tenebra and Cordium had prepared to rain fire on everyone he loved, Argyros had faced the same decision Lio must make now.
Lio fingered the mortal minds below. He had mastered hundreds at once before. He had the power to turn this force away with sheer thelemancy, just as his uncle had done.
But what would be the cost? When they inevitably broke free of his control, where would they attack instead? It could be Mederi Village or Lord Hadrian’s camp. They might rampage all the way back to Solorum to raze the Temple of Kyria. And while Lio lay recovering from the damage to his own mind, he would be powerless to protect Cassia.
Lyros took hold of his shoulders and looked him in the eyes. “I know what you’re thinking.”
“Tell me the truth,” Lio said. “Strategically, is that what you need from me tonight?”
Lyros gave his shoulders a squeeze. “No. Tonight, you have what the Great Temples did not. Hesperine warriors. Let the enemy come.”
“I want you and Cassia off the walls,” Solia said.
“No,” Cassia cried. “We belong at your side. Let us use our power to help you.”
Solia faced her. “You know what those trebuchets can do. This won’t be a long siege, and the fortress walls won’t keep anyone safe. I need you and Lio to evacuate the non-combatants and animals.”