Page 271 of Blood Gift

“Right here with me,” Cassia answered, “directing the evacuees as we bring them in.”

“Where are we taking them?” Sabina asked.

“The Hesperine Sanctuary will welcome them,” Lio offered.

Sabina shook her head. “Many will be too afraid to accept shelter there. I’m afraid some of our people still need convincing about Hesperines’ good intentions.”

“I understand,” Lio said. “Where do you suggest?”

“Is there a keep nearby belonging to someone we can trust?” Cassia asked.

“I know a place.”

They were the first words Miranda had spoken. Everyone looked at her.

“We can go to Paradum,” she said.

Lio could scarcely believe his ears. After all this effort, Miranda might show them the way not only to refuge, but the letting site. She might save Cassia again.

Cassia’s heartbeat had picked up. “Paradum? It is not under Lucis’s control?”

Miranda shook her head. “He never gave it over to a new lord, after…my parents. He brought our tenants under direct royal control and let the castle fall into ruin. These days, it’s abandoned. Except by me.” She glanced around her, and Lio could smell her anxious sweat.

A boom came from outside, and the keep seemed to shudder. Or perhaps that was only Lio’s Hesperine senses, responding on instinct to the first magefire that struck the walls.

Determination came over Miranda, and she said, “Paradum is protected by my spells. I’ve turned it into a haven of sorts, where I can hide from the authorities…or hide those in need.”

“You aren’t only a healer?” he asked gently. “A light mage too, perhaps?”

She raised her chin. “Yes. I swear to you, no one will find it under my illusions.”

Goddess bless. Illusions powerful enough to fool Kalos would certainly keep out the enemy. If Miranda was telling the truth. Lio studied her aura and the thoughts drifting from her mind. He sensed none of the dissonance that occurred when someone was lying. He touched his medallion to signal Cassia.

“That’s brilliant,” she said. “Of course your old home is the last place anyone would expect to find you.”

Miranda nodded. “The king always treated it like a place to stash useless things. Then he forgot about it all together. Now I’ve given it a purpose.”

“How do we get there?” Lio asked.

Miranda hesitated. “Would you like me to traverse you? If I do that, can you step back there?”

“Yes, that would be ideal. We also have a Hesperine ally in the area who can help protect everyone, if you will let him in.”

Miranda nodded. “I can reveal the castle to him.”

“I should come too,” Cassia said. “I’ll check if there are portals.”

“You go on,” Perita encouraged. “Callen and I can have the first group ready when you get back.”

Excitement and dread echoed between Lio and Cassia. Were they about to stumble into the letting site at Paradum? If her magic started to arrive, how would they manage an evacuation?

Another explosion came from outside, and this time, there was no doubt about the physical tremor under Lio’s feet.

They had no choice but to go forward. And whatever happened, he must not allow anything to separate Cassia from him for even a moment during the siege. “Let’s go.”

Miranda held out her hands, and Lio took one, finding her grip strong for such a petite woman.

Cassia put her hand in Knight’s ruff. “Would it be too much to ask for you to bring Knight with us?”