I’m not ready to give up my secret, so I lie. “It’s just that I’ve heard so many bad things about the club.”
“I’m sure everything you’ve heard is true, but from what I’ve seen, they’re good guys who sometimes do bad things.”
I shrug. “Yeah, I guess so.”
We round out the tour by stopping in the beauty room, the massage room, and housekeeping, ending at the pool. Everything is so nice; it reminds me of day spas I’ve seen in movies. Except for the alien room—that one is in a world of its own.
“Do you want me to show you back to your room, or can you find your way?” Betty asks.
“I’m good.”
She smiles and brings me in for a hug. “I’m glad you’re here. It’ll be good to have you looking out for us.”
Her kind words nearly bring me to tears. When was the last time anyone wanted me around? When I was eight? Before Colin left? He never said it out loud, but a day never went by where he didn’t make me feel wanted.
“I’m glad I’m here too. Thanks for showing me around.”
“See you around,” she says through a yawn as she disappears inside.
Her yawn is contagious, and it hits me how tired I am. It’s been a long day, but I want to see Colin before going to bed, so instead of finding my room, I slip off my shoes and sit on the edge of the pool, dipping my feet into the cool water.
It’s dark out, and though I can hear the steady thumping of music from inside, it’s otherwise quiet. Peaceful. I breathe in the warm desert air mixed with chlorine, and for the first time since I can remember, I feel relaxed. My worry for Mom still sits heavy in the corner of my mind, but I remind myself that I tried. I did everything a good daughter should.
“Navy?” a woman calls out, and I look over my shoulder to see Mary dressed in a black pantsuit with a hot pink corset.
I pull my feet up and stand. “Hi, Mary.”
Her smile is tight. “I hear you’re going to be my second.”
“If it’s okay with you. I know that’s not what I was hired for.”
“It’s fine by me. Besides, I won’t live forever, and I’d feel better if I had a legacy.”
“I’m honored,” I say, but a twinge of guilt burdens me. I can’t be her legacy since I’m leaving the second I have enough money banked. Starting over is my goal, and there’s no way I can do that in Reno, not with Ray living in the same city.
“Do you have a minute? We can go over a few procedural things you need to know.”
“Sure.” I slip my feet back into my flip-flops.
“Follow me. I had Satyr set up a desk for you in my office.” As she guides me through the halls, she continues to rattle off things I’ll need to know when I’m shadowing her. Even with my long legs, I have a hard time keeping up with the fast-paced woman. I wish I had a notepad because so much more goes into a brothel than selling sex.
We round the corner to her office, only to find Colin sitting across from one of the two desks in the room.
He stands. “There you are.”
“Me or her?” Mary asks.
“As much as I love seeing your smiling face,” he says, making Mary scowl harder. “I was looking for this one.” He lifts his chin in my direction.
“You need her? Because we were just going over a few things.”
“I think Vivi has had a busy enough day, don’t you? You guys can pick back up tomorrow.”
Mary huffs. “Why not? It’s not like I asked for this in the first place.”
I pin Colin with a look. He made it sound like this was an open position they were looking to fill, not one he forced on her.
I open my mouth to speak, but Colin interrupts, probably seeing my expression and knowing what I’ll say. “You can’t work around the clock, Mary. We talked about this.”