Page 40 of Rigger's Mistake

“This is Navy.”

“The other Mary?”


She turns to me. “I’m Alexis.”

“Nice to meet you,” I say, holding my hand out. She ignores it and pulls me into a hug, her large breasts pressing against my much smaller pair.

“I’m a hugger.” Her breath tickles along my neck, adding to the pulsing between my legs from watching the line-up.

“Okay,” I squeak, returning her embrace.

“You’re cute,” a redhead says, then adds, “I’m Ariel.”

“Because of the red hair?” I ask.

“You got it.” She hugs me too.

After a round of introductions, my lady boner is gone, and I feel like I’ve made fifteen new friends. I wasn’t expecting them to be so friendly and welcoming. The way things are set up, the women are pitted against each other, competing for parties. I assumed that meant there would be friction, but it doesn’t feel like that at all.

“I’m going to finish her tour and then head to bed,” Betty says. “I had three parties today.”

My eyes widen. “Three separate parties?”

“Yeah, it was a good morning.” She hooks her arm with mine. “Let’s go.”

The first room she takes me to is painted like a galaxy, with neon colors glowing under a black light. The frame around the bed looks like a crater, and paintings on the wall depict an alien with large tentacles penetrating blissed-out women. I walk over to a display case on the far wall and gawk at the brightly colored silicone appendages lining the shelves. They sit next to a mini fridge with an egg crate, shiny, yellow-tinged eggs nestled inside.

“What is this?” I ask.

“The top row is cock sleeves with little suckers going down the shaft to mimic an alien dick. The second is just dildos made to look like alien parts, and the third is hollow dildos that can deposit jelly eggs or Ben Wa balls inside your hoo-haw or your butt.” She’s so matter-of-fact that it barely strikes me as odd.

“Huh.” I briefly imagine what it would feel like to have one of the eggs inserted inside me. Consider me intrigued.

“We’re so close to Area 51, you’d be surprised how many requests we get for this room.”

“Have you. . .”

“Once.” She grins. “Surprising amount of fun.”

I smile, my cheeks heating. Every experience I’ve had with sex has been tainted by force and violence. It turned me off of sex completely, but the second I thought about working here and what that would be like, it made me reevaluate. The women are the ones who decide who, when, where, and how without any question or judgment. If I ever want to take my power back, it’d have to be the same way.

I’ve never had a chance to explore or learn about my body—to feel good when it comes to sex—and I want that. I’m twenty-one years old, and I should be having orgasms by now. Instead, I feel dirty and used. Maybe now that I’m free from Ray, I can take back what was stolen.

The only thing standing in my way is Colin.

Betty takes me through the rest of the unoccupied rooms, promising to show me the rest when they’re available. We tour the gym with shiny new exercise equipment that I can’t wait to test. I’ve never been to a gym and don’t have any athletic ability to speak of, but I’ve also never tried. I’d like to feel strong for once.

“You can order food twenty-four seven, and it’s all made fresh,” Betty says, walking me into a large kitchen with a long stainless-steel counter and gleaming appliances.

“Everything is so new and nice.”

“Yeah, Rigger wanted us to be an exclusive establishment, so he made sure no corners were cut. Having a former chef from a Michelin Star restaurant means we get filthy rich people through the doors to dine, but nine times out of ten, the curiosity gets to them, and they come next door.” She winks.

“I can’t believe he’s responsible for all this.”

Her brow quirks. “Why?”