Page 23 of Seren

He shrugged. “I’ve never seen him this focused on someone before.”

“Well, how do I shake his attention because I assure you, it’s unwanted.”

His lips twisted regrettably. “When Seren wants something, he usually gets it.”


I stood watching out the window of the pool house as my brother spoke to the help like she was one of us. I should’ve stopped my mother when she said she was going to offer Rosalie a place for her daughter to live. I knew nothing good could come from her being here.

“What are you doing?” Kiki asked, stepping up beside me.

I turned away from the window.

“Oh,” Kiki said, spotting Grace in the driveway. “She’s always around, isn’t she?”

“She lives here.”

“She needs to know her place,” Kiki said as ifshelived at the manor.

“She’s well aware of her place,” I assured her.

“I’m not so sure she does,” Kiki muttered as she moved away from the window and slipped off her shirt.

“Put your shirt back on,” I said.

“Excuse me?”

“You heard me.”

She didn’t listen, moving behind me and kissing my neck.

I pulled away. “I’m not interested.”

She laughed. “Seren Grayson’s not interested? Has hell frozen over?”

“Just not feeling it,” I said as I walked away from the window, leaving her standing there.


Sunday, I drove into town to do some shopping at the quaint shops that lined Main Street. I bought a pair of earrings and then stopped at a café for a latte. When I returned to the manor, I parked the car beside the garage and stepped out, noticing a shirtless Seren tossing a football with someone at the far end of the driveway. Something about the way he ignored me pissed me off. So did the fact that someone so mean could be graced with such a great body.

The guy tossing the football with him missed the pass and turned my way to fetch it.

I froze.

So did he when he spotted me.

Why was Seren hanging out with the cop who pulled me and my friends over? The same one who broke up the party?

Oh myGod.

Anger flared inside me. That son of a bitch. He’d taken things way too far. I stormed across the driveway, past the cop, and stopped in front of Seren. “You’re an asshole!”

He glowered at me as if I was nothing more than mud on his expensive sneakers.

I pointed to his friend. “He pulled me and my friends over becauseyoutold him to.”

Seren’s head hitched back. “Itold him to?”