Page 24 of Seren

The cop tried to conceal his laughter but failed miserably.

I glared at Seren. “I’m not stupid.”

“Could’ve fooled me.” He looked to the cop and held up his hands. The cop threw Seren the football.

Seren prepared to throw the football back, but I’d had enough.

I grabbed the ball out of his hand. “Stop this shit!”

Seren reached for the ball, but I held it away from him.

“I said, ‘Stop!’”

He crossed his arms over his bare chest feigning boredom.

“You had him ruin my night. Why?” I demanded.

“While we’re throwing questions out there, why’d you drop food in my lap?”

“That’s what this is? Payback?”

“I’ll give you guys a minute,” the cop said, taking off toward the manor.

“Dude,” Seren called to him. “The conversation’s over.”

“The conversation’s far from over,” I said through clenched teeth as the cop disappeared inside.

Seren scoffed.

“Answer me!”

His eyes narrowed. I knew he didn’t like being told what to do. “You’re the help. I askedyoua question. If you want to keep your job, answerme.”

“I don’t care about the stupid job. You can have it. I’m out of this town in a few months and you’ll never have to see me again.”

He looked as if I’d slapped him across the face.

“This isn’t the olden days. People don’t have to pay because youthinkthey’ve wronged you. It’s messed up.You’remessed up.”

He didn’t say anything but his clenched jaw was ticking. I was fairly certain he wanted to tell me to fuck off.

I shook my head and dropped the football. “Have a great life being a cold angry asshole. It looks good on you.” I turned and walked back to the manor. I half expected to take a football to the back of the head. Luckily, I returned to our apartment unscathed, having said my peace.




I glanced up from my computer screen on Monday afternoon and looked at my teacher.

“They need you in the office.”

I looked at the clock. Class was over in ten minutes, so I closed my laptop and stuffed it into my backpack, slinging it over my shoulder. I mouthed goodbye to Holly then walked out of class into the empty hallway and hurried to the office. The secretary smiled when she saw me. “Hi, Grace. Principal Arnold is waiting for you.”

“Thanks.” I moved to the open door beyond her confused as to why I’d been called there in the first place.

Principal Arnold sat in his high-back leather chair, looking tired and ready to retire. “Come on in, Grace,” he said, and I could tell his smile was forced.