Page 22 of Seren

Laney grabbed my arm and pulled me toward the gate as the cops killed their engines. We hurried toward Holly’s car a few houses down from Jeff’s. I twisted back to see how many cops had broken up the party. There were only two. I squinted into the darkness as they removed their helmets. My stomach dropped. The same two cops who’d pulled us over stood there looking proud of themselves for breaking up our fun.

“This is messed up,” Holly said as she caught up with us and yanked open the door to her car. “Cops never break up our parties.”

I hopped into the passenger seat and looked at her with raised brows. “Exactly.”

“Do you think they followed us?” Laney asked.

“Dammit,” Holly cursed, just realizing we’d led them to the party.

“Yup,” I said.

“If either of you tell anyone,” Holly warned.

“Girls night!” Laney proclaimed, causing us to break into laughter.

“Pizza and movies?” Holly asked.

“Sounds perfect,” I assured them.



I pulled into the driveway of the manor the next afternoon. I’d gone from hanging out with friends and being around people who cared about me, to a place I didn’t belong. I parked the car beside the six-car garage, a constant reminder that I was inferior to the Graysons.

As I stepped out of the car, I couldn’t help but notice all the vibrant flowers blooming in massive pots along the exterior of the mansion. It was as if they’d flowered overnight. I wondered if they smelled just as beautiful as they looked.


I twisted to find Sawyer heading my way in basketball shorts and a T-shirt. “Hi.”

“How was your night away from this place?”

My eyes narrowed. “How’d you know I wasn’t here?”

“You didn’t serve dinner. At first, I thought you got fired for the antipasto thing. But then Chef said you had the night off.”

“Would you have fought to get me my job back?”

He laughed. “Well, do you plan on dropping food inmylap?”

“Only if you deserve it.”

He laughed even harder. “Iknewyou did it on purpose.”

I shrugged. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

His smile faded. “Be careful, Grace. Seren doesn’t like it when people try to make him look stupid.”

“Consider me warned. No more antipasto in his lap.”

“Just know, with Seren, there’s a fine line between love and hate,” Sawyer added.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Boys always pick on the girls they secretly like,” he said.

Humorless laughter shot out of me. “You think that’s why your brother and I don’t get along?”