With that promise, Kate gave him a cheeky smile and went back to prepping ingredients. He lingered for a minute, willing his erection to fade before he had to face the customers again, and got caught up in watching as she expertly chopped and diced.

When he turned around again, he could see Mrs. Lucas watching them over the counter and she gave him a sly smile. Emile wondered how much she had seen… and how much she suspected. This was a small place. It wasn’t going to be possible to hide it forever.

The rest of the day felt like it went at a snail’s pace; knowing the delights that awaited him once they turned the sign to ‘Closed’ made time pass agonizingly slowly. But eventually, they were sequestered in the apartment and he could finally get his hands on Kate again.

“You’re not even going to give me a second to get changed?” she protested, laughing as he pressed her against the doorframe.

“You don’t need to change. You’re perfect as you are. And you won’t be wearing clothes for long, anyway…” He kissed down her neck and along her collarbone, gratified to feel her shiver beneath his lips.

“But, I had all those plans…” Kate’s voice was throaty, her hands gripping onto his arms as he kissed the soft skin at the base of her throat.

“How could I forget? Care to enlighten me?”

He pulled back and watched her eyes flash. He loved her like this, so free and present andhis.

“Go and lie down on the couch,” Kate instructed, pushing him in the direction she wanted him to go.

He went willingly. How could he not? He dropped down on the couch and Kate climbed on top of him, the weight of her against his erection making him hiss through his teeth.

“Be gentle with me, Kate. I’ve been waiting too long for this.” Even an hour seemed like an eternity when they weren’t together, doing this.

“Do you really want me to be gentle?” Her fingers found their way under his T-shirt and she raked her nails softly over his stomach muscles, making them twitch.

“I want you to do whatever you had planned.”

He would surrender entirely to her.

Kate slid off his lap and knelt in between his thighs, her fingers working his belt buckle and freeing his hard cock. They were both still almost entirely dressed and he wanted to see her naked, but he lost all coherent thought as she bent down and sucked him down deep.

Her tongue flickered against him as she pulled back up and he let out a primal groan, his hands tangling in her hair. She’d sucked him dry just this morning, but he would never, could never, get enough of the way she stroked and licked and sucked at him, leaving him desperate and panting underneath her touch.

“Fuck, Kate. I don’t think I’ve ever been this hard.”

She paused, looking up at him, her hand still stroking his now slippery cock, and gave him a wry smile. His hips thrust upwards of their own accord, seeking friction, seeking release, as her other hand cupped his balls, massaging them firmly until he was grunting and aching and every atom of his being was focused on her, on what she was doing to him.

“God, you’re perfect. I need to fuck you so badly.”

Kate sucked in a jagged breath at his words, but she didn’t stop stroking.

“You want that, do you?” he pressed. “You want to sit on this cock and ride me until we’re both losing our minds?”

He could think of nothing else, nothing other than the pleasure of sinking inside her and joining together after a day spent skirting around each other for the sake of propriety. This was who they truly were, two people obsessed with each other, who could never get enough.

Kate was obviously of the same mindset, because she paused in her ministrations. They were both tearing at their own clothes when there was a loud knock at the door. They both froze. They never had visitors. Everyone came to the cafe in the day, so there wasn’t any need for unannounced evening drop-ins.

They looked at each other, and then back at the door, and slowly, Kate pulled her T-shirt back over her head. Emile wanted to protest, but surely it had to be important if someone was coming by at this time? He reluctantly pulled up his jeans and fastened the zipper uncomfortably over his erection. Hopefully it would only be a flying visit and they could pick up where they left off…

“What the hell?” he heard Kate say as she opened the door.

“Who is it?” he asked, sitting up on the sofa.

“It’s just a delivery.” Kate bent down to pick something up and turned back to face him with a basket in her arms.

“Were you expecting anything?” Emile was confused. Was this another American thing that he didn’t understand?

“No. But I think I know who sent it.”

Kate sat down heavily next to him and pushed the basket into his arms. When he saw what was inside, he roared with laughter, pulling out the contents. Condoms. Lube. Energy drinks.