It was a sex survival kit.
“This is brilliant,” Emile laughed, as he pulled out some breath mints.
“It’s mortifying,” Kate groaned, burying her head in her hands. “Everyone knows.”
“Not everyone,” he said, unearthing a greeting card from the bottom of the basket. “Just whoever left this basket.”
“Oh, believe me. There’s no way that whoever left this is going to keep her mouth shut.”
Emile opened the card and read aloud. “We thought you might be in need of supplies. Knew it was only a matter of time before the two of you started doing the horizontal monster mash. We’re rooting for you! Love, The Bookish Broads.”
“I knew Laura was behind this.”
“Is it so bad that they know?”
Emile didn’t know whether he should be hurt that Kate wanted to keep him a dirty secret. He didn’t mind, he supposed, if they got to keep doing what they’d been doing, but it wasn’t exactly flattering.
“Oh, Emile, no.” Kate caught sight of his expression and shook her head. “It’s not that I’m embarrassed or anything. I was just hoping to keep it private between us for a little longer. It’s still so new. And this town is renowned for gossip, which only ever complicates things.”
“I understand that,” he said. “But really, I think it’s nice. They’re not gossiping maliciously. Everyone in this town obviously cares about you, Kate. I see it every day in the cafe. If anything, I should probably watch my back in case they don’t think I’m good enough for you.”
“I wouldn’t worry about that.” Kate smiled at last, angling her face up so Emile could kiss her. And kiss her he did, until they were both raring to go again.
“Now, shall we make use of this basket, since they’ve got to all the trouble?” Emile peered at the contents again.
“I think we probably have to…”
“How are things going between you and Emile?” Laura asked, getting straight to the point as soon as Kate had a glass of wine in her hand.
The two of them had escaped to the Cactus for a much-needed catch-up. It was the first night that Kate had been away from Emile in a couple of weeks, and Laura had eventually badgered her to come out and stop hiding in her ‘sex cave’, as she’d put it. Kate knew it was the right thing to do; Laura had been there for her before Emile had arrived and, although they showed no signs of slowing down, she and Emile couldn’t spend their entire lives hooking up. That wasn’t healthy.
“It’s… good.”
“I’m so fucking jealous. You’ve got that dreamy, sex-drunk look on your face.”
“Laura, you’re married, remember?”
“Yes, and it’s been about a million years since we were in that first flush. Enjoy it, honestly. You deserve it. Are you happy?”
The bar was busy for a Thursday night, the buzz getting under her skin and making her feel lighter and more relaxed. The wine was refreshing and crisp against her tongue. The company was good, if a little nosy. And she could go home at the end of the night to a gorgeous man, who would probably be already naked and waiting for her, if she texted before she left. Kate was definitely content, but was she happy?
“I am happy, I think.”
Emile was kind. He was funny. He was affectionate. Everything she could possibly want. But there was still something that niggled at her, despite all of that.
“You only think?” Laura leveled her with a serious look.
“I can’t put my finger on it. I just feel like I’m holding back a bit.”
She should be jumping in with both feet to this relationship, but even as she and Emile had spent more and more time together over the previous weeks, she’d still felt a bit on uneven ground.
“Why do you think that is? Do you think it’s just a hookup to him?”
The thought sent an icy shock through her system. Could it be that?