The two women laughed and he went about collecting the next round of orders to take to the kitchen. There was definitely a spring in his step, and there was no doubt in his mind about why. It was all Kate. After the other night, they’d thrown the rules out of the window and whenever they weren’t at work or out somewhere, they were having sex. Just this morning, he’d been having coffee before their shift started when she’d sunk down on her knees in front of him…

He shook the memory out of his head. It would be a dead giveaway if he was trying to do his job with a hard cock. They’d agreed to still keep things separate in the cafe, and now that he could touch her as much as he wanted when they were at home together, it was slightly easier to keep his hands to himself during work hours. Only slightly. Seeing her working away in the kitchen, strands of her blond hair escaping her ponytail and her cheeks flushed from the heat of the oven, he wanted to press kisses to the back of her neck, hear her give those little sighs of pleasure that he’d come to know so well.

“Two of the special omelets for table three, and banana pancakes,” he announced as he came into the kitchen, popping the orders onto the board. Kate never needed a reminder. He didn’t know how she did it, but she had a razor-sharp memory.

“Definitely pancakes this time?” She looked up and raised an eyebrow at him.

“I triple-checked.”

Kate merely grinned at him and carried on cooking.

Emile couldn’t believe his luck. He’d enjoyed this job before. Enjoyed the opportunity to get to know people in the town and to spend time with Kate, but now? Now he was practically skipping around the place because he not only got to spend time with Kate at work, but he knew what was waiting for them when they closed the apartment door afterwards.

He couldn’t stop his mind from wandering as he continued about his day, taking orders, pouring coffee and fetching plates. His mind had been consumed with thoughts of Kate even before they’d had sex but now he felt like he was on hyperdrive.

It wasn’t even just that it was the best sex of his life — although he was pretty sure that it was. He’d had plenty of random hookups during his partying days. Unsurprisingly, when you were a prince of a small but financially powerful European nation, it tended to get you laid. But, he couldn’t remember the last time that he’d had sex with someone that he knew and trusted like Kate. The fact that they’d shared such a vulnerable moment before their first time had only made it more explosive, and that was totally new to him. They went from passionately fucking against the front door as soon as they got home, to lying in her bed staring into each other’s eyes and cuddling. He wasn’t used to that contrast; he’d done plenty of the former but he didn’t think anyone had stuck around long enough — or he’d let anyone stick around long enough — to properly cuddle. With Kate, though? He almost couldn’t decide which he wanted to do more.

“You’re looking lovely today, Mrs. Lucas,” he complimented his favorite customer as she sat down at her usual table. “What can I get for you?”

She narrowed her eyes at him. “You’re in a suspiciously good mood today.”

“That’s what we said!” Donna and Betty chimed in.

“Can’t a guy give a compliment around here?” Emile grinned. He couldn’t hide his good mood even if he wanted to, but he was grateful they didn’t know the real reason for it. “Especially since you’ve had your hair done. No? Nails? No? New sweater?”

“Oh, give it up.” Mrs. Lucas waved off his comments, but he could see she was secretly pleased by his attention. “I’ll have my usual, please.”

“Coming right up.” Avocado and eggs on toast with a sprinkling of chili flakes. He was getting to know the drill now.

When he turned back to the counter though, he could see Kate staring down concernedly.

“What’s up?” he asked.

She raised her hand and he could see blood trickling down her finger. His heart lurched. She wasn’t really hurt, it was just a little cut… and yet he couldn’t stand the sight of it.

“Can you just grab me a Band-Aid?” Kate asked, gesturing towards the first aid kit on the wall. He fumbled with the opening of the box and grabbed what she needed.

“What did you do?” he said as he tore open the packet and peeled the backing off the Band-Aid, placing it carefully over her cut.

“Thank you. I just slipped slightly. It’s my own stupid fault. I was distracted.”

Her eyes blinked up at him, full of mischief. Emile felt the flood of relief that she really wasn’t hurt.

“Oh yeah, is that so?”

He wanted to kiss her. He almost did. But he remembered just in time that the kitchen was open to the cafe and everyone could see them, pulling away slightly to stop himself from closing the gap between them.

“Just a little bit.” Kate gently pulled her hand away, and he realized he had just been standing clutching it.

“What is it that has you so distracted?” Emile leaned back against the counter, folding his arms.

“Just my evening plans. They’re quite… involved.”

He felt a surge of arousal that was entirely inappropriate for the workplace. Kate had proven herself to be very creative in the bedroom, and he desperately wanted to know what those plans entailed.

“Tell me.” His voice came out sounding hoarse.
