Page 29 of The Cat's Dom

He chuckled. “I’m giving you two choices. You can start making a list of the basic things we’ll need for the condos. We can ask the other guys’ particulars later. Or you can start painting our place. The paint and everything are in the spare bedroom.”

She was quiet for a moment. “I’ll start with the list. It shouldn’t take me too long. I’ll need paper and a pen.”

“I can get that for you.”

“Good. I want to go down and get my brush and roller.”

“We’ll do that now. I don’t want you leaving the third floor at all. Besides the electricians and plumbers, we have the elevator people coming today to put it in, so there will be a lot of strangers in the building. Caden will be on the floor with you until I get back. It shouldn’t take me long.”

“Okay. I’ll keep the main door to this condo closed.”

“That would be a good idea,” Macy said. “Let’s go tell Caden I’m leaving and then go down and get your painting supplies.”


Twenty minutes later, he was walking out of the building. There were several more trucks and people than he thought there would be. Electricians, plumbers, construction people, and elevator people who Link was talking to. He didn’t like leaving her with so many men around, but he knew he wouldn’t be gone long, and Caden was watching her. He needed as much information as he could get so he could find the fuckers that hurt her.

Chapter Fifteen

Macy pulled up in front of the sheriff’s department and walked inside.

Macy tapped on the counter. “I’m here to see the sheriff if he’s available.”

“And your name?”


“I’ll call him,” the desk person said.

Daniel came out of his office down the hallway. “Is everything okay?”

Macy nodded and shook Daniel’s hand. “Yes. She’s good. You’ll see for yourself Friday.”

“Okay. Come in and sit down.”

Daniel closed the door behind them and then sat at his desk. “Okay, tell me what you need.”

“I want to talk to Kane.”

Daniel stiffened. “Why?”

“Because he has the information I need.”

“What information?”

Macy sighed. “This is one of those situations where the less you know, the better.”

“You’re not planning to kill someone, are you?” Daniel asked tersely.

“As much as I would enjoy killing the men that hurt her, I promised her I wouldn’t do anything that would take me away from her. That doesn’t mean I can’t make their lives a living hell until they’re put away.”

“Macy, even that could get you behind bars.”

“Are you forgetting who I am?” Macy asked. “What I’ve been doing for the last several years?”

Daniel wiped his hand down his face. “Shit. This isn’t going to happen in my town, right?”
