“That’s good. Let me get Kane on the line.”
“I’d like to talk to him alone. I really want to keep you out of this if it comes back on me.”
“I have something to get at City Hall. Just leave the door open when you leave.”
Daniel reached for the phone and dialed.
Daniel glanced at Macy. “Kane, I have you on speakerphone with a man that needs to ask you questions.”
“Oh, what about?”
Macy could feel the tension coming through the speaker.
“What about her?” Kane asked.
“Kane, this is Macy. He’s a good guy and has come further with Cat than anyone.”
“All right. Yes, I’d like to talk to him, too. I have questions of my own.”
“I figured. I’m going to leave the room,” Daniel said.
Macy shook the man’s hand. “Thank you. One of these days, I’ll tell you a few things the monster did to Cat. I’m shocked she’s still alive.
“I hate fuckers like this,” Daniel said. “Make them pay.”
Macy nodded. “I’ll do my best.”
Daniel left his office and closed the door behind him. Macy turned back to the phone. “First off, there’s no way in hell I’d ever hurt that woman, and I’d kill anyone who does.”
“I like the sound of that, but where did you come from? What do you do?”
“I was in Special Ops for several years. When I got out, I and the other guys in my unit, except for the married ones, started contracting government overseas jobs. They needed our expertise learning the weapons they received.”
“What is the name of your team, and what branch?” Kane asked.
“We didn’t have one,” Macy told him.
There was silence on the other end.
“So, you’re one of those groups?” Kane asked.
“I’m not sure which ones you’re talking about.”
“The top-secret team.”
“We were one of them,” Macy said. “You might want to know that three of the guys on my team and I are starting the kink club in this town.”
“Yeah. Ask Daniel.”
“What are your questions?” Kane asked.
For the next several minutes, Macy asked every question he could think of. He was pleased to know she had told him things she hadn’t told anyone. Not even Kane.