Those are Phinova dominas.

My heart warmed.

Did Xander save these two? Or were they already living here?

Although the day was coming close to dusk, the sun beat down on the market. Which was why I found it odd that both the dominas wore heavy gloves on their hands.

Are they really cold now?

I headed in their direction to ask them if they knew where the cats were at in the market.

Instantly, they gazed my way, gave me sad smiles, and then quickly hurried in the other direction.

O-kay. Did they have to rush off or. . .are they afraid of me?

Confused, I scanned the space.

That was when I realized so many people were watching me.

Two little boys stood in front of their mother. One of them lifted his hand and pointed at my hair. “Mommy, why does she not have on the gloves?”

I looked down at my hands.

“Come, Ezra.”

“But she is a blood mage.”

“Go now.” His mother shoved him off in the other direction.

Gloves? What is he talking about?

Something was off.

Alright. I will find the cats on my own.

Continuing forward, I paid attention to everyone’s reaction as I walked by.

Whenever people spotted my red hair, they tensed up, averting their gazes and quickly hurrying away.

Other mothers with their children grew nervous when they caught sight of me. Most quickly gathered their children and hurried away.

Everywhere I went, people steered clear of me, and I began to regret ever setting foot in this market.

They think I am dangerous, but why? Due to my kings?

I swallowed.

And the gloves. . . what is the connection with that?

I was a stranger in a strange land. But I wouldn’t let that stop me from finding the answer I was looking for. I could not leave this market empty-handed.

Determined, I kept walking down the lanes, searching for the white cats that Ressi had mentioned.

As I walked, I heard whispers and murmurs from those around me.

“No gloves. She can kill us all.”

“What was the Ground Mover thinking?”

“Maybe, it was Tru’s decision.”

“Never. She is too careful.”

I did my best to hide my hands within my red cloak. Now I wished I had covered up my hair.

The gloves must. . .stop the magic for a blood mage somehow.

As I continued my search, my mind raced with questions, trying to connect the dots.

Why were blood mages being treated this way? What was the significance of the gloves? And why did the dominas hurry off when they saw me?

I approached a tent with a sign that read “Fortune Telling.”

Maybe they could provide some answers.

Sighing, I drew closer and saw that the tent was filled with a thick smoke that smelled of lavender and cinnamon.

A woman with eyes as green as the forest stood outside, beckoning me in with a crooked finger.

I touched my chest. “Me?”

She nodded.

At least this woman isn’t scared of me.

I hesitated for a moment before stepping inside, but then yanked up my courage.

The inside of the tent was dark, with candles flickering in every corner.

The woman motioned for me to sit at a small table in the center of the tent. She had a huge red scarf wrapped around her head.

“On your own? Without your kings? Do not let that happen again.” She produced a deck of cards from her cloak and began shuffling them with a rhythmic precision. Without looking up, she spoke in a voice that was both soothing and mysterious. “You are searching for something, my dear.”

I nodded slowly. “I am looking for white cats, but everyone in the market seems to be afraid of me because I don’t have gloves.”

The woman chuckled softly, her green eyes glittering in the candlelight. “I can tell you why, but I would want something.”


“The cloak.”


“It is from Capitol City. Right?”


“Then, I could trade this one cloak and get two months’ worth of supplies.” She shuffled the cards more. “I will give you answers and tell your fortune.”

“I don’t need my fortune told.”

She gazed at some of my marks near my neck. “You are Returned?”

“I am.”

“Then, you would not need the cards. You have the very audience of the gods.”

I blinked. “They come to me.”

“And they will continue to come, as long as you need their guidance.”

I slowly began to take off the cloak, took the dagger out of the pocket, and handed it to her. “And the gloves?”

She set the cards down and took the cloak. “Ah, the gloves. They are a symbol of the blood mages’ power. Without them, they can control their magic. You do not wear the gloves, so many fear you.”

“But why do people fear blood mages in the first place?” I asked. “What is so dangerous about them?”

The woman paused, her expression growing serious. “Blood magic is a powerful and dangerous force. It can manipulate life itself, and when used improperly, it can lead to destruction and chaos.”