“All because our blood can create vampires.”

She blinked. “What did you say?”

She doesn’t know that.

I cleared my throat. “What sort of. . .chaos could a blood mage create?”

She perused my cloak and ran her fingers along the soft fabric. “Do you know why you were truly allowed into our village?”

“Because I showed Tru and Spenrik my Returned marks.”

“No, my child.” She grinned. “You showed them that you did not know your power.”

“How did I do that?”

“You didn’t use it. Many say that you came up and asked for them to allow you and your kings to come onto our land.”

“What is wrong with that?”

“Blood mages do not have to ask.”

I widened my eyes.

“They just make it so.”


She rose from the table and put on the cloak. “Very nice.”

I stood and placed the dagger in my robe’s pocket. “Please, tell me how I could have made them do it.”

She walked off and gestured to the opening. “Keep moving forward. Then, you will stop at a dead end. There you will see tons of white cats in cages.”

I let out a long breath. “Thank you.”

“Be careful of the cats, and which ones you choose to buy.” She brushed down the front of the cloak. “Not all of them stay cats the whole time.”

“What?” I leaned my head to the side. “What do the cats become?”

She chuckled. “Welcome, Camille.”

Annoyed, I hurried out and headed in that direction.

Minutes later, a dead end appeared.


I caught sight of caged white cats. Many of them stared at me with these piercing blue eyes. I approached them slowly, not wanting to startle them. They continued to stare at me, and I felt a strange sensation wash over me.

I remembered Ressi’s message.

“When you wake up, go to the village. There is a Mystic Market in the center. Your answer will be dressed in red and standing among the white cats.”

I scanned the cages, looking for any clues or signs that would lead me to my answer.

Where is the answer?

Suddenly, a white cat caught my gaze. It was larger than the others and had an air of regality about it. When I approached the cage, the cat stood up on its hind legs and reached out with its paws.

“Hello.” I slowly reached out to pet it. The moment my fingers touched its fur, a strange sensation coursed through my body.

Images flashed in my mind of a tall feminine being with a feline body.

Who is that?

Shocked, I pulled my hand away and stumbled back a few steps.

The cat mewed as if urging me to return.

What is going on?

Despite my shock, I couldn’t help feeling drawn to the cat. I looked around at the other cages, but none of the other white cats had the same effect on me.

And then I saw her among the cages.

Is that the answer?

A woman with a bald head and no eyebrows stared at me in shock. Her skin was dark brown. She had a round face and wide brown eyes. She must have been close to my age or younger.

I wondered if she simply was born with no hair or if she shaved it all off, including her eyebrows.

She caught me watching her and looked away.

It’s her. She’s the answer.

I slowly walked over.

But how do I ask this woman questions without her thinking I’m insane?

Gulping down fear, I approached her.

She turned her head towards me, and widened her eyes in surprise.

I cleared my throat. “Hello.”

She looked at me with a mixture of fear and curiosity.

Let’s try this again.

I kept my voice soft and gentle. “Hello.”

Inching back, she hesitated for a moment before responding. “Hello.”

“I’m sorry if I. . .startled you. My name is—”

“I know who you are.” Her bottom lip quivered.

“Do I scare you?”

“It is not you.” The woman gazed around us.

People watched us talk and whispered to each other.

She edged away.

I remained where I was and kept my voice low. “You don’t want to be seen talking to me?”

She nodded.

“But. . .you would talk to me. . .in private?”

She looked away.

Two women walked by, glanced at us, and whispered.

When they headed off, I spoke, “Please, I need your help. I’m not here to hurt you or. . .get you in trouble. I just need answers.”

“What do you want from me?”

“I want to know anything I can about blood mages. What power do they possess? How can it be used?”

She looked away again, her expression unreadable. “I don’t know anything about that.”

“I also want to know why the blood mages are wearing gloves in the market. And I think you can help me.”

“Shhh.” She edged away. “I cannot help you. Stop talking to me, please.”

I could tell that she was lying, but I didn’t want to push her too hard. “Do you know that a war may be coming soon?”

“All are talking about the Quiet King heading this way.”