With those words, the mist began to clear.

I felt myself being pulled away from the gods and into a dark void.


The gods disappeared.

Suddenly, I tumbled through nothingness, my mind swimming with questions and confusion.

I woke up in bed, lying between Xander and Ian. Their naked bodies molded against mine. Xander’s arm lay around my waist. Ian’s hand rested on my shoulder.

The smell of sex lingered in the air.

I put my view on Xander and then Ian. Both of their faces held peaceful expressions. Their muscles were relaxed, their breathing steady.

I took a deep breath and slowly moved Ian’s hand and then Xander’s arm. Quietly, I snuck out of bed, making sure not to wake either of them.

I had to see what the gods had meant by my power, and I needed to do this on my own.

I got out of bed and hastily dressed, choosing a red robe that would allow me to move with ease and hopefully blend with the rest of the mages.

I slipped on my boots.

As I grabbed my red cloak and wooden dagger, I steeled myself for the journey ahead. I knew that discovering the true extent of my power was crucial, not only for me but for the fate of those I held dear.

I hope I can really help in this oncoming war.

There was no doubt that war was coming our way. I could sense the inevitable violence in the air. I could feel it on my skin, pulsing like a heartbeat.

When the Quiet King arrives, we must be ready.

That included me too.

I was sure Xander and Ian believed I would sit aside while they fought that monster.

But I wouldn’t.

I intended to fight right by their sides, I would not be some weak woman on the battlefield in need of their saving.

I will be just as strong as them, truly helping wherever I can.

I gave one last glance at Xander and Ian. Their faces remained serene in slumber.

Then, I quietly opened the door, went downstairs, and stepped out into the sunlight.

And with a determined heart, I set off on my quest for knowledge and self-discovery.

Chapter 27

The Power of Blood


The Mystic Market was a fascinating labyrinth of hundreds of tents and tables, each spread with baubles and trinkets.

The sound of chimes and bells hung in the air, and the smell of incense wafted through the crowd.

The tents that made up the market were adorned with signs of age, giving off an aura that hinted at stories from far away. Some of the signs were written in a language I could not decode, while others contained vivid imagery that made me grin. Wares were held up with wooden stakes in the ground, each object tagged with a price, hand painted, on a label.

Tons of mage milled about. Plumes of dust rose with their steps.

Everywhere I looked, I saw something new and exciting.

There were stalls stacked with colorful fabrics and intricate objects that glimmered with a mysterious light.

Food vendors lured customers with the smells of exotic spices and fragrant sweets.

Strange music and laughter filled the air, and I found myself drawn in by the unique atmosphere.

This is amazing.

I walked over to where one woman dressed in green was performing for a crowd. She had dark brown skin. A shimmering green snake floated in the air in front of her, hissing and twisting.


I gasped.

The snake had eyes like opals. The scent of jasmine hung in the space.

People clapped and slung copper coins into the green pot in front of her.

Oh my. How is she doing this?

As she twirled around in the air, the woman’s long black locks fanned out like a halo behind her, mimicking the motion of the snake that was spinning above her.

A haunting pull came over me.

Instead of continuing to walk on my path, I headed down the lane where more women cloaked in green danced with writhing, floating serpents.

This is mesmerizing.

It soon became apparent that these serpents weren’t physical beings but some sort of illusion crafted by earth magic.

This is real power.

I walked on.

I want that.

While my blood had shown that it could do marvelous things, I yearned to have a greater ability, something that could truly be used in this oncoming war.

Okay. Where is the answer?

I thought back to Ressi’s message.

“When you wake up, go to the village. There is a Mystic Market in the center. Your answer will be dressed in red and standing among the white cats.”

I walked through the narrow paths, checking each tent for cats.

Magic thickened in the air.

Everywhere I looked, I saw people wearing strange clothes and carrying odd objects.

The ones in solid blue tended to be merchants selling their wares. On this lane, the fabrics and objects on display glimmered with a mystical green light, and the stallholders called out in languages from far-away lands.

I spotted two women with red hair, smiling and talking to each other.